Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Three - The Path To Glory
(B) For Social Uplift
XXIX. Serving The Neglected Brethren
Divisive policy of the British continues - Uplift through devotion to God - Lesson from foreign missionaries - Declare as Hindus in census - Their backwardness due to our lapse - Spirit of Karmayogi in serving - Questions and Answers.
WE find a strange phenomenon in the Eastern regions of our country. Our Government regognises the existence of the "Christians" but not of the "Hindus". The Government has classified all the "non-Christians" as "tribals" as distinct from Hindus.*
(*) Started in 1881 Census, continued by our Government.
What The Politician Says :
These protagonists of separatism argue that these "tribals" worship things like trees, stones and serpents. Therefore they are "animists", and cannot be called as Hindus. Now this is something which, only an ignoramus who does not know the a, b, c, of Hinduism will say. The word "animus" means the principle of life, which is immanent in all creation. Whatever be its form of expression, it is that Inherent Spirit that is worshipped. Do not the Hindus all over the country worship the tree? Tulasi, Bilva, Ashwattha are all sacred to the Hindu.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar