Introduction > Page1
Guna pramod or delight over the virtues of others as defined as a state of experience of real joy and enthusiasm over virtues of other persons, which are of better qualities than ones own. So many
exceptionally talented personalities are seen in this world, in various
spheres of activities.
That is the reason why it is stated that
"The earth is the mother that nourishes so many jewels known as
great personalities." Several types of greatness and virtues can be
visualized in the noble persons in the world, such as that
of knowledge, self-restraint, devotion, meditation, charity, intelligence,
adventure, patience, firm determination, tolerance, discipline,
regularity, joyousness, introversion, rationalism, vision of reality,
specialized Knowledge, simplicity, humility, self-surrender, a spirit of
service, and so on.
When one is
overwhelmed with joy on finding such fine virtues actually manifested in
day- to-day life and is induced to imbibe them, the virtue of delighting to be among the
virtuous is said to be present. True recognition of any virtue is the
first step in the process of acquiring that virtue in one's life, and close
association with the persons who have cultivated the same is indeed the best means to truly recognize it.
Author : Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji)