He makes a hall with beams pointing east. The gods and men divided the quarters, the gods (obtained) the eastern, the Pitrs the southern, men the western, the Rudras the northern.
If he should offer hospitality after unyoking both (the oxen), he would break up the sacrifice. If (he should offer) before he has unyoked both, it would be as when hospitality is offered to one who has not yet arrived.
From the pit he scatters (earth) on the altars; the pit is the birthplace of the sacrifice; (verily it serves) to unite the sacrifice with its birthplace. The gods lost by conquest the sacrifice ....
By means of the sacrifice Prajapati created offspring; verily he created them by the subsidiary sacrifices; in that he offers the subsidiary sacrifices, verily thus the sacrificer creates offspring.
Indra raised his bolt to hurl at Vrtra; Vrtra was afraid of the bolt when raised to be hurled; he said, 'Hurl it not at me; there is this strength in me, that will I bestow on thee'; on him he bestowed the Ukthya.
The sacrifices with the gifts are offered for the world of heaven. He offers with two (verses) on the Garhapatya; the sacrificer has two feet; (verily it serves) for support. He offers in the Agnidh's altar; verily he ascends the atmosphere.