shrine of Somanatha is situated in Prabhasa Patan or Devapattana, on the southern coast of
Saurashtra formed part of the vast
Indo-African Australian continent1 known as the Gondwana land long before the Himalayas
rose. Gujarat and Saurashtra had a long proto-historic past2 when they had contacts with
Sindh and other north-western areas by land and sea. Pre-historic man had his settlements
in Saurashtra on the banks of rivers.3
India became a geographical unit; new races began to pour
1 K. M. Munshi, The Glory that was Gurjaradesha,
Vol. 1, p.7.
2 Ibid., Vol. I, p. 13.
3 Ibid., Vol. I, p. 15.
Author : Shri Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi