Now let us
leave Raama and his host here and go back to Raavana. Great poets in all languages
delineate with sympathy even their bad characters allowing gleams of goodness to shine through occasionally, for nature has not made anybody wholly and unredeemably evil.
The poet's aim is to direct the reader's mind into the path of Good, the saatvik way. For
this purpose they use all their skill and power in developing even their raajasik and
taamasik characters.
The reader who is held by raajasik and taamasik qualities, naturally tends to sympathise
with such characters; much more so readers below the average who are untouched by the
saatvik element.
They would regard the deeds of the
hero and other saatvik characters as mere fiction invented for blind worship, and identify
themselves with the raajasik and taamasik characters and even
claim these as their own kith and kin. They would find themselves attracted by such
characters and follow their doings with
considerable interest.
Author - C.Raja Gopalachari