When Drona died, the princes of the Kaurava army installed Karna as
Genera- lissimo. Karna stood up in his gorgeous war chariot driven by Salya. The dauntless
confidence of his bearing and his great renown as a warrior heartened the Kaura- vas. The
battle again began.
Readers of the stars were consulted and the Pandavas chose the
propitious hour for grim battle. Arjuna led the at tack on Karna, supported by Bhimasena
immedia- tely behind his chariot.
Duhsasana made a concentrated attack on Bhima and sent a shower of
arrows at him. Bhima chuckled and said to himself. "I have this wretch now safe in my
hands. I shall today redeem my promise to Draupadi. Too long has my oath waited for
As Bhima thus bethought himself of what Duhsasana had done to Draupadi,
the anger within him blazed up uncontrollably and throwing down all his weapons, he jumped
from his chariot and leapt upon Duhsasana like a tiger on its prey, hurled him down and
broke his limbs.
"Wicked beast, is this the wretched hand that held Draupadi by the
hair? Here, I tear out the root from your body. If there be any here wishing to help you,
let him come forward and try!"
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari