The One Religion of Humanity
There is only One Truth behind this vast universe
in which we live. A singular cosmic order sustains all the different
laws of physics, biology and consciousness. There is, ultimately,
only One Being and One Consciousness behind everything known and
unknown. This unity dwells in all creatures and links all beings
together into a wonderful tapestry of Divine delight.
This great truth of Oneness has its main
ramifications in the field of religion, which should be our main
means of connecting with this Divine unity of existence. Because of
this unity of Truth there must be One True Religion behind all the
religions of humanity. As Truth is One, true religion must
ultimately be the same. Therefore there can be only one true
religion in the world.
Naturally such a statement may cause some stir, if
not fear, to arise in our hearts and probably it should. The reason
for this, obviously, is that certain religions have used the claim
that they alone represent the true faith to impose themselves upon
humanity, with intolerance, if not violence. So let us look at the
matter carefully. Just there must be only one true science behind
all the sciences of the world, so there must be only one true
religion, a religion of truth, behind all the religions of the
Yet this One Religion of Truth cannot merely be one religion
among the many that human beings have known historically, but a
unity, universality and infinity that contains and transcends all
manifest or formal religions, the human faiths that have been
invented by man, which in their time-space expression must be
limited, if not distorted.
Author : David Frawley