Dhritarashtra, hearing of the slaughter of his sons and the check
received by Karna, was desolate. "O Sanjaya, like moths falling in the fire,
my sons are being destroyed.
The stubborn Duryodhana has led the lads Durmukha and Durjaya, to their
doom. Alas, I have lost these boys! The fool said: 'Karna, unrivalled among men for
courage and the accomplishment of war, is on our side. Who then can defeat us?
Even the gods cannot win a battle against me when Karna is on my side.
What can these Pandavas do to me? But now he has seen Karna beating a retreat when
Bhimasena attacked him.
Has he seen wisdom at least now? Alas, Sanjaya, my son has earned the
undying hatred of the son of Vayu, Bhima, who has the strength of the god of death! We are
indeed ruined!"
Sanjaya replied: "O king, was it not you who brought about this
unquenchable hatred, listening to the words of your foolish and stubborn son? To you
indeed must be traced this greater disaster.
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari