Uddalaka was a
great rishi. He had a son by name Svetaketu.
After giving him the sacred thread at the proper age, the rishi called him one day and
said, "Svetaketu, proceed to the house of a guru and living there as a student, learn
the Vedas well; for, there is none in our family who is not learned in the Vedas."
As directed by his father, Svetaketu went to a gurukula or the
ashrama of a guru and studied the Vedas under the guru. He returned home when he was
twenty-four years of age, a proud scholar.
He thought that there remained little else for him to know.
His father was a shrewd man. He at once knew that his
son’s head was swollen with pride. He wanted to correct him.
Author - Dharamsey M. Khatau