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India�s Rebirth

Hindu Books > Books By Sri Aurobindo > India�s Rebirth


This book was prepared by a team of researchers under the direction of Sujata Nahar. Any profits arising from its sale will be entirely devoted to the spread of Sri Aurobindo's vision of India and her future evolution. This compilation was prepared from Sri Aurobindo's works published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

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Editors' Note

This book presents Sri Aurobindo's vision of India as it grew from his return from England in 1893 to his political days in the first decade of the century and finally to his forty-year-long withdrawal from public view during which he plunged into his "real work" of evolutionary action.

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About Author - Sri Aurobindo

A selection from Sri Aurobindo�s writings, talks and speeches. Today, with the worldwide churning of blood and mud about to smother us, our answer to these questions will decide India's destiny.

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I. 1893-1910 : Revolutionary Writings

Bankim Chatterji's Anandamath, which contained "Bande Mataram," the hymn to the Motherland, had been published eleven years earlier. Swami Vivekananda had just come to the end of his first pilgrimage round India, and was preparing to sail for America.

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II. 1910-1922 : Essays, Letters And Articles

We have, most of us, our chosen explanation of this dolorous phenomenon [of the decline of Indian civilisation]. The patriot attributes our decline to the ravages of foreign invasion and the benumbing influences of foreign rule; the disciple of European materialism finds out the enemy, the evil, the fount ....

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III. 1923-1926 : Talks (1st series)

The ancients [in India] based their society on the structure of religion - I do not mean narrow religion but the highest law of our being. The whole social fabric was built up to fulfil that purpose.

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IV. 1929-1938 : Letters

Man is a transitional being; he is not final.... The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth's evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner Spirit and the logic of Nature's process....

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V. 1938-1940 : Talks (2nd series)

Every time the Light has tried to descend it has met with resistance and opposition. Christ was crucified.... Buddha was denied; sons of Light come, the earth denies them, rejects them, and afterwards accepts them in name to reject them in substance.

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VI. 1940-1950 : Letters And Messages

At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny.... Man has created a system of civilisation which has become too big for his limited mental capacity and understanding and his still more limited spiritual and moral capacity to utilise and manage, a too dangerous ....

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1872, Aug. 15 - Sri Aurobindo is born in Calcutta; he spends his first years at Rangpur (now in Bangladesh), and at the age of 5 is sent to Loreto Convent School, Darjeeling.

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We give below, section by section, either detailed references or, when these would be too cumbersome to list in full, guides to the sources. The bold numerals refer to the volumes of the Centenary Edition of Sri Aurobindo's works (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1972) ...

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Published on: 2003-06-13 (1819 reads)

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