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Pada III

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya II > Pada III

Third Pada : 1. Not Ether...

We have demonstrated that the Sankhya-system and other systems standing outside the Veda are untenable since they rest on fallacious reasoning ....

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2. But There Is

But there is origination of Ether. For Scripture, which is concerned with matters transcending sense perception, is able to establish the truth even ....

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3. It Has A Secondary Sense...

It is reasonable to assume that in passages such as 'From that Self there sprang Ether.' the origination of Ether is not to be taken in its literal sense ....

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4. There May Be A Double Sense

Since in the clause 'from that Self there sprang Brahman,' the word 'sprang' cannot be taken in its literal senbe, it may be used there in a secondary sense ....

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5. The Non-Abandonment Of The Promissory Statement...

It is not appropriate to assume, from deference to the Khandogya-text, a secondary meaning for those other texts also which declare Ether to ....

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6. As Follows Also From Other Texts

That Ether is an originated thing follows from other clauses also in the Khandogya :

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7. But The Division Origination Extends Over All Effects...

The 'but' has the sense of 'and.' As the clause 'In that all this has its Self' and similar ones directly state that Ether also is a creation of Brahman ....

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8. Hereby Air Is Explained

The same argumentation explains the origination of air also. That a special Sutra is devoted to the origination of air ....

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9. But There Is Non-Origination Of That Which Is Only

The 'but' has an affirmative sense. There is non-origination of that which is, i.e. of Brahman only; of whatever is different from Brahman non-origination cannot possibly be established.

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10. Fire Is Produced Thence

It has been stated that everything different from Brahman is the effect of Brahman. The doubt now arises whether the more remote effects ....

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11. Water From Fire

Water also originates 'thence,' i. e from fire; for so the texts declare 'From fire water' (Taitt. Up. II, 1, 1); 'that sent forth water' (Kh. Up. VI, 2, 3).

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12. Earth From Water

Earth originates from water; for so the texts declare 'From water earth' (Taitt Up. II. 1, 1). 'It (water) sent forth food' (Kh. Up. VI, 2, 3).

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13. Earth On Account Of The Subject-Matter...

That the word 'food' denotes the earth is to be inferred from the fact that the section in which the word occurs has for its subject-matter the creation ....

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14. But He; From The Inferential Mark Supplied By Their Reflection

The 'but' indicates the setting aside of the prima facie view raised. Of all effected things, the Mahat, and so on, the highest Person himself, in so far as ....

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15. But The Order Of Succession...

The 'but' has an asseverative sense. The direct origination from Brahman of all effects--which in passages such as the one quoted by the Purvapakshin ....

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16. If It Be Said That Knowledge And Mind...

'Knowledge' in the Sutra denotes the means of knowledge, i.e. the sense-organs.--An objection is raised against the conclusion arrived at under ....

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17. But That Which Abides In The Things Movable And Immovable

The 'but' sets aside the objection raised. (The primā facie view here is as follows.) As Brahman, which has all things for its modes, is not the object ....

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18. Not The Self...

The Sutras so far have stated that this entire world, from Ether downwards, originates from the highest Brahman. It now becomes a matter for discussion ....

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19. For This Very Reason The Individual Soul Is A Knower

It has been shown that, different therein from Ether and the rest, the soul is not produced. This leads to the consideration of the soul's essential nature.

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20. On Account Of Its Passing Out, Moving And Returning

The Self is not omnipresent, but on the contrary, of atomic size (anu).--How is this known?--Since Scripture says that it passes out, goes and returns.

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21. And On Account Of The Latter Two Being Effected Through The Self

The 'and' has affirming power. The 'passing out' might somehow be reconciled with a non-moving Self (such as the omnipresent Self would be) if it were taken ....

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22. If It Be Said That The Soul Is Not Atomic...

The passage 'He who is within the heart, surrounded by the Prānas, the person consisting of knowledge' (Bri. Up. IV, 3, 7) introduces as the topic of discussion ....

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23. And On Account Of The Very Word, And Of Measure

Scripture directly applies the word 'anu' to the individual Self, 'By thought is to be known that atomic Self into which Breath has entered fivefold' (Mu. Up. III, 1, 9).

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24. As In The Case Of Sandal-Ointment

As a drop of sandal-ointment, although applied to one spot of the body only, yet produces a refreshing sensation extending over the whole body ....

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25. Should It Be Said That This Is Not So On Account Of Specialisation Of Abode...

There is a difference. The drop of ointment can produce its effect as at any rate it is in contact with a definite part of the body. But we know of no such part in ....

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26. Or On Account Of Its Quality As Light

The 'or' is meant to set aside the view previously stated. The Self extends through the whole body by means of its quality, viz. knowledge or consciousness.

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27. There Is Distinction As In The Case Of Smell...

Just as smell, which is perceived as a quality of earth, is distinct from earth; thus knowledge of which we are conscious as the quality of a knowing subject ....

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28. On Account Of The Separate Statement

Scripture even states quite directly that knowledge is something distinct from the knowing subject, viz. in the passage 'For there is not known any intermission ....

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29. But The Self Is Designated As That Because It Has That Quality...

The 'but' discards the objection. Because that quality, viz. the quality of knowledge, is the essential quality, therefore the Self is ....

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30. And There Is No Objection, Since The Quality Of Knowledge Exists Wherever The Self Is ....

Since knowledge is an attribute which is met with wherever a Self is, there is no objection to the Self being designated by that attribute.

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31. Since There May Be Manifestation Of That Which Exists...

The 'but' is meant to set the raised objection aside. The case may be that while consciousness is present also in deep sleep, and so on ....

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32. There Would Result Permanent Consciousness Or Non-Consciousness...

On the other view, i.e. on the view of the Self being omnipresent and mere knowledge, it would follow either that consciousness and also ....

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33. The Soul Is An Agent...

It has been shown that the individual Self is a knowing subject and atomic. Now the question arises whether that Self is an agent or, being itself non-active ....

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34. On Account Of Taking And The Declaration As To Its Moving About

The text beginning 'And as a great king,' &c., declares that 'the Self taking the pranas moves about in its own body, according to its pleasure' ....

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35. And On Account Of The Designation Of The Self As The Agent In Actions...

Because in the text 'Knowledge performs the sacrifice, it performs all works' (Taitt. Up. II, 5) the Self is designated as the agent in all worldly ....

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36. There Would Be Absence Of Definite Rule, As In The Case Of Consciousness

The Sutra points out a difficulty which arises on the view of the Self not being an agent. Sutra 32 has declared that if the Self were all-pervading ....

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37. On Account Of The Inversion Of Power

If the internal organ were the agent, then--since it is impossible that a being other than the agent should be the enjoyer of the fruit of the action ....

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38. And On Account Of The Absence Of Samadhi

If the internal organ were the agent, it would be such even in that final state of meditation, called samadhi, which is the instrument of Release.

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39. And As The Carpenter, In Both Ways

The Self, although always provided with the instruments of action, such as the organ of speech, and so on, acts when it wishes to do so ....

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40. But From The Highest, This Being Declared By Scripture

Is the activity of the individual soul independent (free), or does it depend on the highest Self? It is free; for if it were dependent on the highest Self ....

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41. But With A View To The Efforts Made...

The inwardly ruling highest Self promotes action in so far as it regards in the case of any action the volitional effort made by the individual soul ....

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42. The Soul Is A Part...

The Sutras have declared that the individual soul is an agent, and as such dependent on the highest Person.

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43. And On Account Of The Mantra

'One part (quarter) of it are all beings, three feet (quarters) of it are the Immortal in heaven' (Kh. Up. III, 12, 6)--on account of this mantra also ....

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44. Moreover It Is So Stated In Smriti

Smriti moreover declares the individual soul to be a part of the highest Person, 'An eternal part of myself becomes the individual soul (giva) ....

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45. But As In The Case Of Light...

The 'but' discards the objection. 'Like light and so on.' The individual soul is a part of the highest Self; as the light issuing from a luminous thing such ....

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46. And Smriti Texts Declare This

That the world and Brahman stand to each other in the relation of part and whole, the former being like the light and the latter like the luminous body ....

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47. Permission And Exclusion Result From Connexion With A Body...

Although all souls are essentially of the same nature in so far as they are parts of Brahman, knowing subjects and so on, the permissions ....

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48. And On Account Of Non-Connectedness There Is No Confusion

Although the souls, as being parts of Brahman and so on, are of essentially the same character, they are actually separate, for each of them is of atomic ....

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49. And It Is A Mere Apparent Argument

The argumentation by which it is sought to prove that that being whose nature is constituted by absolutely uniform light, i.e. intelligence ....

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50. On Account Of The Non-Determination Of The Adrishtas

As the adrishtas also which are the causes of the series of upadhis have for their substrate Brahman itself ....

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51. And It Is Thus Also In The Case Of Purposes And So On

For the same reason there can be no definite restriction in the case of purposes and so on which are the causes of the,different adrishtas.

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52. Should It Be Said That That Is Possible Owing To The Difference Of Place...

Although Brahman is one only and not to be split by the several limiting adjuncts with which it is connected, yet the separation of the spheres of enjoyment ....

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1791 reads)

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