Arise Arjuna : Hinduism And The Modern World
Preface |
The Preface which was given by the Author "David Frawley" regarding this "Arjuna".
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Arise Arjuna |
The world, perhaps as usual, is in a state of crisis. And in this extremity no nation has yet arisen as a defender of the Truth.
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Hinduism In Crisis
The recent movement has an opposite intent-to embrace Western materialist culture and abandon traditional Hindu culture and spirituality perhaps altogether.
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Hindu Fundamentalism : What Is It ? |
Fundamentalism is an easily discernible phenomenon in belief-oriented religions like Christianity and Islam which have a simple and exclusive pattern to their faith.
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Leftist Scholarship in India |
We have learned that the real truth has been that Marxism was the opiate of the intellectuals, as it has been called, not that religion itself is an illusion.
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Swami Rama Tirtha on Islam |
Though his teachings are on par with Vivekananda-indeed often more poetic and inspiring since he formed no organization they are not as well known.
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Yogic Spirituality And Islam |
A number of those who proclaim that all religions are one like to carry this principle further and make the founders of all religions into Divine incarnations (avatars).
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The Aryan-Dravidian Divide |
The darker-skinned Dravidians-and that the Dravidians were the original inhabitants of India whom the invading Aryans conquered and dominated.
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The Ancestry Of Ravana |
Ravan was related to Lavana, also regarded as a Rakshasa, of Madhupura (Mathura) in the region of the Surasenas, who was conquered by Rama's brother Shatrughana.
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An American Discovers the Vedas |
In the modern world everyone, including Hindus, appears to be trying to adopt Western culture with its scientific and technological advances and economic affluence.
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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved. Published on: 2003-02-07 (8969 reads) [ Go Back ] |