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Part I - India, Hinduism And The New Century

Hindu Books > Books By David Frawley > Hinduism And The Clash Of Civilizations > Part I - India, Hinduism And The New Century

The Goddess Durga, Mother India As The World Mother

Since ancient Vedic times, India has been regarded by its people as a sacred land, the very land of the Goddess or Divine Mother. The subcontinent geographically is shaped like a woman with Kashmir as her head and Sri Lanka at her feet.

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India And The Coming Century

Indian or Bharatiya civilization is, if not the oldest, at least the most continuous in the world. While ancient Egypt, Greece and Persia fell and lost their cultures to outside influences thousands of years ago, India uniquely continued its venerable ancient traditions throughout the centuries, even under long periods of foreign rule.

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The Reemergence Of The Hindu Mind

The Hindu mind represents humanity’s oldest and most continuous stream of conscious intelligence on the planet. Hindu sages, seers, saints, yogis and jnanis have maintained an unbroken current of awareness linking humanity with the Divine since the dawn of history, and as carried over from earlier cycles of civilization in previous humanities unknown to our present spiritually limited culture.

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Hinduism And The New Millennium

The world today is looking to a new millennium, with the year 2000 having just arrived (though will little of the fanfare or catastrophes predicted of it!). As modern culture is dominated by western civilization, which has a Christian basis, it looks to the Christian calendar as defining time for humanity.

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India At A Crossroads

What is the secret of this great and enduring culture of India? The unique feature of Indian or Bharatiya culture is unity-in-multiplicity or what could be called ‘Vedic pluralism.’

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The Crisis In The Psyche Of India

A defeatist tendency exists in the psyche of modern Indians perhaps unparalleled in any other country today. An inner conflict bordering on a civil war rages in the minds of the country’s elite.

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Western Monoculture And Indic Pluralism

Western civilization, in spite of claims to support diversity, is promoting a worldwide monoculture-the same basic values, institutions and points of view for everyone-which it calls ‘globalization’. Western commercial culture with its pursuit of markets and commodities eliminates all true culture, which is based on quality, not quantity.

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Religious Exclusivism, Racism And Colonialism

Recent centuries saw the European domination of the world through colonialism and imperialism. Colonial ideas were closely connected to racism and slavery, on one hand, and to religious missionary efforts on the other.

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The Hindu Response To Globalization

Globalization refers to an expansion beyond national borders that includes all aspects of human life and culture, but particularly related spheres of business, science and technology. It is the dominant theme of multinational corporations and the world media with its worldwide coverage of the news.

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The Hindu View Of Society And Its Global Relevance

Hindu Dharma contains a wealth of thought on social issues and a long tradition of social sciences. These begin with an extensive ancient literature of Dharma Shastras and Dharma Sutras, of which the well-known Manu Smriti is not the only one (or the last word for that matter).

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Published on: 2003-06-11 (2866 reads)

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