3. On account of (such) conduct being seen.
It is seen, viz in Scripture, that those who knew Brahman busied themselves chiefly with sacrifices.--Asvapati Kaikeya had a deep knowledge of the Self; but when three Rishis had come to him to receive instruction regarding the Self, he told them 'I am about, to perform a sacrifice, Sirs' (Kh. Up. V, II). Similarly we learn from Smriti that Ganaka and other princes deeply versed in the knowledge of Brahman applied themselves to sacrificial works, 'By works only Ganaka and others attained to perfection'; 'He also, well founded in knowledge, offered many sacrifices.' And this fact--that those who know Brahman apply themselves to works chiefly--shows that knowledge (or meditation) has no independent value, but serves to set forth the true nature of the active Self, and thus is subordinate to work.--An even more direct proof is set forth in the next S�tra.