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Virtues (Sadhak And Sathi) A Jain Book

Hindu Books > Introduction and References > Virtues (Sadhak And Sathi) A Jain Book

Forgiveness (Kshama)

Forgiveness, a unique part of our religion, prevents emergence or the rise of anger in one's self, inspite of the outside forces that can get you angry.

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Charity (Dana)

In the normal course, charity lies in giving away one's wealth and possessions, with the idea of cooperating and encouraging any noble activity.

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True Mercy (Daya)

Mercy generally means not to infict pain on any living creature.

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Celibacy (Brahma-Charya)

The word "Brahma- charya" consists of two words: a. Brahma means Soul and b. Charya means Conduct.

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Tolerance (Shahan-Shilata)

Tolerance is defined as voluntary endurance of inconveniences pertaining to the mind, speech and body, in a spirit of equanimity, so that a person attains to purity of soul.

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Good Use Of Time (Samayno Sadupayog)

It is a fact known to us all that with every minute of our life that passes, we are all moving nearer and nearer to death.

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Silence (Mauna)

Silence is abandonment of speech, conversation etc. with a right knowledge and spiritual advancement in view. This is a very important part of spiritual progress.

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Control Of Taste (Rasa-swada-jaya)

Out of our five sense organs, only the tongue is entrusted with two functions: speech and tasting of different favors (Rasas).

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Equanimity (Samatani Sadhana)

Every person in his lifetime almost constantly feels pleasure and pain by experiencing happiness and sorrow.

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Study Of Self (Svadhyaya Shilta)

Study of Self is a basic necessity in various stages of spiritual progress (Sadhana).

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Restraint Of Wantonness (Swachhand-Nirodh)

The general meaning of wantonness is self-willed and uncontrolled behavior.

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Detachment (Nirmohi-Panu)

Detachment means true knowledge of the objects of the world through right vision.

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Humility (Vinaya)

Humility is internal and devotional respect towards those personalities and objects deserving respect.

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Adverse Feeling (Vibhav-bhavo)

The qualities inherent in the original and basic constitution of soul (Atma) are natural and pure (Svabhava-Bhava).

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Contentment (Santosh)

Contentment is a state in which even when subjected to various longings and temptations in day-to-day life, one remains unruled and satisfied.

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Company Of Nobles (Sat-Samagam)

In general, Company of Nobles (Sat-samagama) means associatio with the noble persons, religious scriptures and like.

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Awakenness Of Soul (Atama-Jagruti)

Awakenness of Soul (Atma-Jagruti) means absolute awareness or alertness.

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Compassion (Karuna)

A feeling of self-affiction (suffering) produced in our heart, on seeing the various types of miseries and calamities suffered by other creatures of the universe is known as compassion.

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Path of Devotion (Bhakti Margani Aaradhan)

The general aim of any aspirant (Sadhaka) would be to raise his self (Atma) up to the status of self realization, through self improvement.

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Renunciation (Tyaga-Dharma)

Voluntary association with anything except your Soul (Atma), be omes instrumental in disturbing the Spiritual progress (Sadhana) of an aspirant (Sadhaka).

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Universal Friendliness (Maitri)

If we were to look to the fundamental reality, the soul within every creature is just like the soul within us.

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Truthfulness (Satyanistha)

Truth is what is genuinely true. One who has full faith in this truth, one who accepts it, is a truthful person and his best feeling is truthfulness.

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Straight Forwardness (Saralta)

The virtue of being straightforward or frank is the virtue that we also sometimes call the name "simplicity."

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Principle Of Karma (Karmana Niyamo)

In the realm of spiritual science, the place of the rules of one's actions i.e. Karmas is even higher than the place of the law of gravitation in physical science.

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Meditation (Dhyan)

The ordinary meaning of the word "Meditation" (Dhyana), is concentration of the mind.

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Principle of Relativity (Sapekshatana Niyamo)

It is obvious that many different characteristics or virtues are visible in nearly every object in the world.

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True Success In Life (Jivanani Sachi Safalta)

In this world, there are persons of varied temperaments carrying on different types of activities.

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Cycle of Worldly Existence (Samsar Paribhra-mana)

A life subject to ignorance and lack of self-control becomes involved in the varied bonds of Karma.

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Moderation in Food (Mitahar)

Taking food in proportion to one's hunger or even a little less is regarded as moderation in food.

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Community Welfare (Samuha Kalyanani Bhavna)

We are all social beings. We live in society and generally prefer to do so.

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Self Control (Samyam)

Self-control may be defined as the discriminative restraint of the adverse inclinations of the senses and the mind with a view to self purification in life.

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Virtues of Others (Guna-Pramod)

Guna pramod or delight over the virtues of others as defined as a state of experience of real joy and enthusiasm over virtues of other persons, which are of better qualities than ones own.

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About The Author - Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji)

This book presents virtues such as ranging from forgiveness, charity, compassion etc. from a Jain perspective.

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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2003-02-07 (6108 reads)

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