Authors - Index
Shri P. C. Roy Chaudhury |
Graduating with honors in English and topping the list in History, in the M.A. examination, P. C. Roy Chaudhury, M.A.B.L. (born February, 10, 1903, at Cuttack, Orissa), has served in various posts under the Government of Bihar. He is also freelance writer on sociological and historical topics and was for some time Editor-in-Charge of the ....
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Dr. H. V. Sreenivasa Murthy |
Dr. H. V. Sreenivasa Murthy (born 1932, at Honnavalli, Mysore State), educated at Mysore University, took the Master�s Degree in History securing the First position. A Comparative Study is under publication. In addition to a number of researchpapers, he has also published A History of Ancient India and has collaborated with Dr. B. K. Barua in editing and revising.
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Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barua |
Litteraterur, historian, author and teacher, Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barua (1910-1964) received his education from the Calcutta and London Universities. He has also edited number of old Assamese classics. His work Assamar Lokasamskriti received the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1965. Early Geography of Assam, Assamese Literature Sankaradeva-a Vaisnava Saint of Assam etc.
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Shri N. Ramesan |
Shri N. Ramesan. M.A., I.A.S. (born December 1921 at Tiruchirapalli, Madras State) has had a distinguished acadernic career, passing with First Class in English, Sanskrit and Mathematics from St. Joseph�s College. He was recruited to the Indian Audit and Accounts Service (Class I) in 1945. Later, in 1949 he entered the Indian Administrative Service.
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Shri R. K. Das |
Shri R. K. Das (born 11th March 1906) comes of Boudpur village, district of Balasore, Orissa, which is the centre of learning and culture, and is reputed for it Vaishnava cult working under the spiritual guidance of Srimad Ram Das Babaji of Nawadwip.
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Shri K. R. Vaidyanathan |
Shri K. R. Vaidyanathan, retired Senior Commercial Officer, Central Railway, is well known to readers through his earlier works, Sri Krishna, The Lord of Guruvayur and Pilgrimage to Sabari. He has selected about 25 important temples of Kerala for detailed description in this book bringing out their origin, color ful legends, architecture, the elaborate rites, customs and festivals.
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Shri Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi |
Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi�s versatility and achievements were in a a way unique. he was an eminent awyer, one of the framers of India�s Constitution and a seasoned statesman. Coming under the inspiring nfluence of Sri Aurobindo during his student days, Munshi became an ardent fighter for India�s freedom orking at different stages in close association with Jinnah, Tilak, Besant, mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel and Pandit Nehru.
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Shri Madhukar Shripad Mate |
Madhukar Shripad Mate (born 1930, in Poons), educated at the Sir Parashuram College and the University, Poona,took the Bachelor�s and Master�s degrees in History. He has also contributed many articles to Marathi journals on topics connected with Archaeology. He was also an active participant in various archaeological explorations ....
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Shri Chakravarti Raja Gopala Chari |
Chakravarti Raja Gopala Chari, popularly known as "Rajaji" or "C.R.", was a great patriot, astute politician, incisive thinker, and one of the greatest statesmen. The stories were originally written in Tamil and have been rendered into English, mainly by Rajaji himself. To have pre served the beauty and spirit of the great original in refined and simple English is an achievement of the highest order.
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Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswati |
His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati is the Sankaracharya who adorns the kanchi Kamakoti Pitha in Tamilnadu. His Holiness is the 68th in the succession of the occupants of the Pitha. He is devoutly adored by his disciples and held in reverential esteem by numerous others for his scholarship in the saastras and knowledge ....
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Prof. D. S. Sarma |
Born in 1883, Prof.D.S.Sarma, scholar and educationist, had his education in the Madras Christiani College, from which he graduated in 1904, Subsequenly, he took his M.A. degree in English Language and literature in 1909. Starting life in Government service at the Kumbakonam College, he went over to the Presidency College, Madras, in 1913.
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Shri Dharma Rakshamani K. Balasubramaia Iyer |
Dharma Rakshamani K. Balasubramaia Iyer (1892 - 1970) was the eldest son of V.Krishnaswamy Iyer (former judge of Madras High Court). He translated from Sanskrit the Yaksha Prasna of Mahabarata into English for the series of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan publications. He was a great scholar in sanskrit and in Tamil and was a learned exponent of the the Bhagavad Gita.
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Shri Shakuntala Rao Shastri |
Shakuntala Rao Shastri is a double M.A. in Sanskrit as well as in English – of the Calcutta university and B.Litt of the Oxford University. She is also a " Shastri" and a "Vedatirtha" of the Government Sanskrit College of Calcutta. For proficiency in the Vedas and the Vedanta she has been awarded the Rajarshi Gopalacharya Gold Medal by the Bengal Sanskrit Association.
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Shri C. Y. Jesse Chiang |
Born in Shanghai, China, in 1921, C.Y.Jesse Chiang earned his ph.D. in politicals Science from Washigton university in 1958. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1961 and taught at various places. Since 1964, Dr.Chiang has hooined the factory of the Scattle Pacific university.
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Shri David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) |
DAVID FRAWLEY (Vamadeva Shastri), is one of the few Westerners ever recognized in India as a Vedacharya or teacher of the ancient Vedic wisdom. His field of study includes Ayurvedic medicine, Vedic astrology, Tantra, Yoga and Vedantic philosophy. His more specific work is with the Vedas themselves, including a reexamination of ancient history in light of new archeological finds in India and a more critical examination of Vedic texts.
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Dr. Parthasarathy Sriram |
Dr. Parthasarathy Sriram, is an aerospace engineer, with a bachelors degree from IIT, Madras (1982) and a Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology where is currently a research engineer in the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering.
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Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan |
Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan was born in 1911 and was educated in Madras. An earnest Advaitin by training and temperament, Dr. Mahadevan has since his graduation in philosophy with a brilliant First Class Honors in 1933, been engaged in intensive research and teaching. Several of his works, noted for their width of range and depth of insight ....
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Dr. A. V. Srinivasan |
Dr. Srinivasan was born in the village of Amruthur, Kunigal Taluk in Karnataka State. He now resides in Glastonbury, CT and occasionally functions as a Hindu priest performing a wide variety of pujas, ceremonies, weddings, housewarming, and bhajans since 1971.
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Shri H.V. Seshadri |
The Vision that Dr. Hedgewar lighted up and the process that he initiated for its translation into reality has become an inspiring legacy for an ever-increasing number of Swayamsevaks devoted to various fields of national reconstruction.
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Shri Sudheer Birodkar |
I am the author of these books. I began my forays at putting my pen to paper when I was in college in the period 1975 to 1980. I began as a prolific writer to the "Letters to the Editor" column of various newspapers.
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Shri Pundit Deendayal Upadhyaya |
Pundit Deendayal Upadhyaya was born on Sept. 12,1916, in a village in Rajasthan. He passed his Matriculation standing first class, first in the Ajmir Board Examinations, winning two gold medals. He again won two gold medals in Intermediate examination securing first rank. He did his B.A. in mathematics in first class.
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Shri M. S. Golwalkar |
He was well known as �Guru� throughout Bharat, and was the second Sarsangh- chalak of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh. His life was wholly dedicated to the service of Motherland. Pure like fire, tender like a flower, his was a personality lofty like the Himalayas.
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Shri Dattatreya Bapu Rao (D. B. Thengadi) |
Sri Dattatreya Bapurao (alias Dattopant) Thengadi (born November 20, 1920) is recognized by scholars as philosopher and visionary. He is a great orator and a learned author. Shri Thengadi has been a Pracharak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) for nearly five decades and is the founder of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (the biggest labor union in India today), the Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and the Samajik Samarasata Manch.
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Shri M. Rama Jois |
(Senior Advocate, Supreme Court)
Supreme Court Judgment On "Hindutva" An Important Land Mark
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Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji) |
Virtues (Sadhak And Sathi) A Jain Written by Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji), this book presents virtues such as ranging from forgiveness, charity, compassion etc. from a Jain perspective Book.
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Shri W. B. Yeats |
William Butler Yeats was born in Dublin, on 13 June 1865, into an artistic family and spent his childhood in Sligo, Dublin and London. He died at Roquebrune, France, on 28 January 1939. Yeats was a playwright, literacy journalist, critic, editor, public speaker, student and recorder of oral tradition, genuine and independent investigator of the occult, mythologist and mythmaker, theatre director, and promoter of national literature.
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Manu |
Manu Smruti : The Laws of Manu (Manu Dharma Shastras) by Manu
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Sri Aurobindo |
What makes India a country unlike any other? What power can bring about her rebirth? Today, with the worldwide churning of blood and mud about to smother us, our answer to these questions will decide India�s destiny.
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Shri V.A.K. Ayer |
Author, journalist and scholar, Shri Ayer is given to by aptitude and training, a wide rage of studies extending from astrology to Vedic researches. Starting life as the Editor of a Music journal in the early thirties, he was a school teacher for two years.
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Shri P. Seshadri Iyer |
P.Seshadri Iyer, a great and scholar, was born in Kerala. After Passing his B.A. and M. L., examinations he began his career first as a school teacher and then as a sub-registrar.
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Shri Arun Shourie |
Arun Shourie is one of India’s most renowned and controversial journalists. Shourie was born in Jullundur, Punjab, on Nov. 2, 1941. He received his doctorate in economics from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York ....
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Shri Ram Swarup |
In the long run, Ram Swarup will probably prove to have been the most influential Hindu thinker in the second half of the 20th century.
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Shri Sita Ram Goel |
The founder of voice of India, an ‘intellectual’ Kshatriya’ par excellence, completes 80 years. In December 2001, Sri Sita Ram Goel, scholar, writer, publisher, and creator and mentor of a vigorous school of thought rooted in Sanatana Dharma, completed 80 years.
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Shri Patanjali |
Patanjali lived about 2,500 years ago; he is the author of Maha_bha_shya, an elaboration of Panini�s grammar. He is revered for his Yoga Sutras, 196 concise aphorisms that set forth the principles of yoga.
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Shri Purushottam Nagesh Oak |
Purushottam Nagesh Oak was born at 9.54 a.m. on March 2, 1917 at Indore, India in a Maharashtrian Brahmin family. His father conversed with him only in Sanskrit, mother in English, family relations in Marathi and the town-folk in Hindi.
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Shri Rabindranath Tagore |
World-famous poet and litterateur of Bengal who got Nobel Prize on his work Gitanjali, in the Kaliyuga�s year 5014 ( 1913 A.D. ), Ravindranath Tagore ( Thakur ) had been an epoch maker in Bengali literature. Rabindranath Tagore (1861--1941), Nobel prize for literature 1913.
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Sir Edwin Arnold |
Arnold, Sir Edwin, born in 1832, died 1904. Journalist and poet, educated at King�s Colege, London, and Oxford, where he won the Newdigate Prize in 1853. He was for several years principal of the Government Sanskrit College at Poonah, Bombay residency, but resigned his post in 1861, when he first became connected with the London "Daily Telegraph," for which he continued to write, finally being appointed editor. His "Light of Asia" (1879) achieved extraordinary popularity, and obtained him a high place among the poets of the day.
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Acharya Vinoba Bhave |
Vinayak Narahari Bhave, commonly known as Vinoba, was born at Ganoda in Maharasthtra, on11 September, 1895.
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Sage Panini |
Panini�s grammar (6th century BCE or earlier) provides 4,000 rules that describe the Sanskrit of his day completely. This grammar is acknowledged to be one of the greatest intellectual achievements of all time.
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Shri Dinanath Raina |
Shri Dinanath Raina is a political analyst and author of Unhappy Kashmir. He was born and educated in Kashmir. After Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in October, 1947, he worked for the cause of peace, harmony and economic emancipation for the rural population in the Kashmir Valley.
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