Celibacy (Brahmacharya)
The word "Brahmacharya" consists of two words: a. Brahma means Soul and b. Charya means Conduct. The code of conduct that leads to self-realization of Soul (or Atma) would, therefore, be the general meaning of Brahma-charya or celibacy. It should, however, be understood that the concept of celibacy is very wide, subtle and complicated. Only a highly enlightened soul well-established in celibacy is really competent to give an all-embracing conceptual analysis of celibacy.�
We are, however, trying to attempt hereunder a brief description and analysis of the subject of celibacy as it applies at the present-day. This is based on the doctrines of the ancient, illustrious Acharyas or saints who joined to our own limited experience. May this delight those who aim at the attainment of the sublime and upersensuous bliss and may it percolate in the depth of their souls, and lead them to exert themselves in all ways, in the practice of this pure, pious and supreme vow (Uttama Vrata) of Brahma-charya".
Author : Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji)