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Hindu Books > Temples And Legends of India > Temples And Legends Of Maharastra > Preface

Temples & Legends Of Maharastra This small book aims at presenting to the reader a picture of one of the important aspects of the culture of the Marathi people and that aspect is the religious centres of the region.

A good deal of material, historical and legendary, is available from both the medieval and modern times. A good deal of material historical and legendary, is available from both the medieval and modern times. A number of scholars have recently devoted attention to the various kshetras of the area.

A bibliography is attached at the end of the book to indicate the work previously done and also as a guidance to anybody who might wish to undertake a detailsed study, To all htose students who have trekked the path before me and more especially to Prof. G.H.Khare who has pioneered and more especially to PRof. G.H.Khare who has pioneered large scale investigations in this field, I owe a great debt.

However, all this work is mainly devoted to individual kshetras, and it is mostly in Marathi. As such when the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the sponsors of the series suggested that I undertake the task of preparing this work I welcomed the ieda at once as it would enable me to present before the non-Marathi-speaking public a comprehensive account of one of the important aspects of the cultural life of the Marathi People. I htank the authorities of the Bhavan for giving me an opportunity of studying this problem, particularly Shri S.G.Tolat of the same institute for the kind co-operation he has extended during the preparation of the book.

Lastly i owe my thanks to Prof . H . D .Sankalia my teacher and Head of the Department of Archaeilogy, university of poona,for his guidance and valuable suggestions while preparing the next.

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Published on: 2003-02-12 (4251 reads)

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