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With great pleasure I have gone through the booklet entitled Hinduism Simplified prepared by Sri Gangadhar Choudhary. This booklet is intended to convey the basics of Hinduism to the children of Hindu parents in this country. Unlike their parent s who grew up in India and received the advantages of our rich socio-cultural heritage, the children of Hindu parents in this country are growing up in a totally different environment. It is very important that they receive and assimilate at least the ru diments of Hinduism and thus equip themselves to face the challenges inevitable while growing up in a western technological society. The present booklet seeks to fill this important need. The question-and-answer format chosen by the author is particular ly appropriate for this purpose. I believe that this booklet will be very useful to Hindu parents residing in this country in giving their children the essential background about the sublime truths of Vedanta and the noble values of Sanatana Dharma.

December 14, 1987 Swami Bhashyananda

Head, Vivekananda Vedanta Society