Ganesha (Ganapati)
This god of knowlededge and the remover of obstacles is also the older son of Lord Shiva. Lord Ganesha is also called Vinayak (kowledeable) or Vighneshwer (god to remove obstacles). He is worshipped, or at least remembered, in the beginning of any au
spicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness. He has four hands, elephant's head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands he carries a rope (to carry devotees to the truth), an axe (to cut devotees' attachments), and a sweet d
essert ball -laddoo- (to reward devotees for spiritual activity). His fourth hand's palm is always extended to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant-like head and a quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represents tremendous wisdom, intellege
nce, and presence of mind.