This Hinduism Simplified is intended for youths who are being brought up in a western environment away from the mainstream of the Hindu culture. The need to present the concept of Hinduism in this easy-to-understand form developed from the author's experience of teaching the basics of Hinduism to such youths. An attempt has been made to present an overall picture of Hinduism by answering some frequently asked questions by such youths. Since the basic philosophies of Hinduism were founded by curious people seeking the truth of Nature for human welfare from those who were knowledgeable, a medium of questions and answers is chosen for the presentation. A mother-child dialogue is selected because of its uniqueness, and eighteen questions and answers have been selected because of the importance of this number in the Hindu scriptures. It is hoped that this booklet will serve the purpose of those for whom it is intended.

The information in this booklet is intended to provide only the basics of Hinduism. For more information, the readers are advised to consult other authoritative sources on Hinduism which are readily available.

The incentive to interact with children for the purpose of teaching them the basics of Hinduism came from the experiences with my own children Chandan, Anjana, and Sanjeev to whom this booklet is dedicated.

Gangadhar Choudhary.

9604 Linfield Drive Cincinati, Ohio 45242 U.S.A.
October 24, 1987

Bhaiya Dooj Day

Any suggestions or comments about this booklet will be appreciated.


This expanded version of Hinduism Simplified is presented in response to the suggestions from the readers, both youths and adults. Besides some minor changes more details on the questions of the scriptures, the gods and goddesses, the Hindu calendar, and the fasts and festivals have been given. In spite of the changes the simplicity and brevity of the booklet have been maintained.

I hope this new Hinduism Simplified will serve the needs of the readers.

Gangadhar Choudhary

485 Rams Way Tucker GA 30084-2058


Vasanta Panchami Day

February 9, 1992

"A touch of spirituality in life begets success."