Hinduism Simplified :
[Author's Note : A one page of summary of Hindu beliefs and
disciplines as Hinduism Simplified is attached at the end of
the booklet for a quick reference. The ten disciplines
(Yams and Niyams) of sage Patanjali have been likened to the
ten commandments in the religious teachings of the West.
This comparison has been used only to provide catchword for
youth. As a matter of fact, Hinduism recommends, it does
not command.]
5 Principles
- God exists; One absolute, Om. One trinity: Brahma,
Vishnu Mahesh. Several divine forms.
- Divine nature of human beings
- Oneness of existence through love
- Harmony of all religions
- Knowledge of 3 Gs : Ganga (sacred river), Gita (sacred
script), Gayatri (sacred enchant)
10 Disciplines (10 Commandments)
- Satya (Truth)
- Ahimsa (Non violence)
- Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non adultery)
- Asteya (Non stealing or desire to possess)
- Aparigraha (Do not bribe or get corrupted by accepting
- Shauch (Cleanliness)
- Santosh (Contentment)
- Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures)
- Tapas (Austerity, penance-practice)
- Ishwarpranidhan (Regular prayers)