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Dear Visitor,
I welcome you to this non-profit, educational page. Here you will read about different aspects of the history and culture of that part of our globe which is known variously as Bharatvarsha, Hindostan or India. My approach of looking at history is that of a rationalist and humanist. As my aim is to spread awareness about history and culture, you may freely download this page, print it, link it up from your site, or mirror it at any server. Enjoy the infotainment laid out for you at this site. I also look forward to your valuable suggestions and feedback. Happy viewing.
Hindu History
- Came first Seemingly as a Message of Universal Brotherhood and Later as an Aggressor to Blanket India in a Dark Age for 700 years
- by Shri Sudheer Birodkar
A discussion on the above topic is bound to be a sensitive one for many of our countrymen. This is so as it brings into focus, issues like cultural identity, patriotism and extra-territorial loyalties. An objective discussion is all the more difficult as an emotional under-current is not ruled out altogether, whosoever the participants.
The Kaaba.
The Kaaba is pre-islamic in its origins.
It has been mentioned by Diodoros Siculus,
a Greek historian in the 1st century Before Christ
i.e. 700 years before Prophet Mohammed.

The varying opinions that Indians hold on an issue like cultural identity is highlighted when we talk of our country's ancient past before religions like Islam and Christianity were introduced into India or rather before these religions came into being in the country of their birth. A Muslim or a Christian would be indifferent if not hostile to India's past before his religion came on the scene.
The history and heritage of a nation belongs to all its inhabitants because their forefathers had made it. Subsequent conversion of some of the inhabitants to a religion originating in another country need not deprive them of this heritage. Had this been so, the Greeks after their conversion to Christianity should have disowned the Acropolis, the Olympia and looked with contempt and hatred on Athena, Zeus or Herakles who were deities of the ancient Greek religion and are still fresh in the memory of the Greeks.
Author : Shri Sudheer Birodkar