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Pada IV

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya I > Pada IV

Fourth Pada : 1. If It Be Said That Some Mention That Which Rests On Inference ...

So far the Sutras have given instruction about a Brahman, the enquiry into which serves as a means to obtain what is the highest good of man ....

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2. But The Subtle Body, On Account Of Its Capability

The elements in their fine state are what is called the 'Unevolved,' and this entering into a particular condition becomes the body.

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3. Matter In Its Subtle State Subserves An End...

Matter in its subtle state subserves ends, in so far only as it is dependent on the Supreme Person who is the cause of all.

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4. And On Account Of There Being No Statement Of Its Being An Object Of Knowledge

If the text meant the Non-evolved as understood by the Sankhyas it would refer to it as something to be known; for the Sankhyas, who hold the theory ....

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5. The Intelligent Self Is Meant...

'He who has meditated on that which is without sound, without touch, without form, without decay, without taste, eternal, without smell ....

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6. And Of Three Only There Is This Mention And Question

In the Upanishad under discussion there is mention made of three things only as objects of knowledge--the three standing to one another in the relation of means ....

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7. And As In The Case Of The 'Great.'

In the case of the passage 'Higher than the intellect is the Great Self,' we conclude from the co-ordination of 'the Great' with the Self ....

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8. On Account Of There Being No Special Characteristic; As In The Case Of The Cup

In the discussion of the following passages also we aim only at refuting the system of the Sankhyas; not at disproving the existence and nature of Prakriti, the 'great' principle ....

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9. But She Begins With Light; For Thus Some Read In Their Text

The 'but' has assertory force. 'Light' in the Sūtra means Brahman, in accordance with the meaning of the term as known from texts such as 'On him the gods meditate ....

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10. And On Account Of The Teaching Of Formation ... There Is No Contradiction

The 'and' expresses disposal of a doubt that had arisen. There is no contradiction between the Prakriti being aga and originating from light.

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11. Not From The Mention Of The Number Even, On Account Of The Diversity And Of The Excess

The Vagasaneyins read in their text 'He in whom the five "five-people" and the ether rest, him alone I believe to be the Self; I, who know, believe him to be Brahman' (Bri. Up. IV, 4, 17).

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12. The Breath, And So On, On The Ground Of The Complementary Passage

We see from a complementary passage, viz. 'They who know the breath of breath, the eye of the eye, the ear of the ear, the food of food ....

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13. By Light, Food Not Being Mentioned In The Text Of Some

In the text of some, viz. the Kanvas, where food is not mentioned, the five-people are recognised to be the five senses, owing to the phrase 'of lights' which is met with ....

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14. And On Account Of Brahman As Described Being Declared To Be The Cause With Regard To Ether

Here the philosopher who holds the Pradhana to be the general cause comes forward with another objection.

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15. From Connexion

The fact is that Brahman intelligent, consisting of bliss, &c., connects itself also with the passage 'Non-being was this in the beginning' (Taitt. Up. II, 7).

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16. Because It Denotes The World

The Sankhya comes forward with a further objection. Although the Vedanta-texts teach an intelligent principle to be the cause of the world ....

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17. The Inferential Marks Of The Individual Soul And The Chief Vital Air

With reference to the plea urged by the Purvapakshin that, owing to inferential marks pointing to the individual soul, and the circumstance of mention being made ....

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18. But Gaimini Thinks That It Has Another Purport...

The 'but' is meant to preclude the idea that the mention made of the individual soul enables us to understand the whole section as concerned with that soul.

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19. On Account Of The Connected Meaning Of The Sentences

In spite of the conclusion arrived at there may remain a suspicion that here and there in the Upanishads texts are to be met with which aim at setting forth the soul ....

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20. It Is A Mark Indicating That The Promissory Statement Is Proved...

According to the teacher Asmarathya the circumstance that terms denoting the individual soul are used to denote Brahman is a mark enabling us to infer that the promissory ....

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21. Because (The Soul) When It Will Depart Is Such; Thus Audulomi Thinks

It is wrong to maintain that the designation of Brahman by means of terms denoting the individual soul is intended to prove the truth of the declaration that through the knowledge of one thing everything is known ....

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22. On Account Of Brahman's Abiding Within The Individual Soul...

We must object likewise to the view set forth in the preceding Sūtra, viz. that Brahman is denoted by terms denoting the individual soul because that soul when departing becomes one with Brahman.

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23. Brahman Is The Material Cause...

The claims raised by the atheistic Sankhya having thus been disposed of, the theistic Sankhya comes forward as an opponent.

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24. And On Account Of The Statement Of Reflection

Brahman must be held to be both causes for that reason also that texts such as 'He desired, may I be many, may I grow forth ....

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25. And On Account Of Both Being Directly Declared

The conclusion arrived at above is based not only on scriptural declaration, illustrative instances and statements of reflection ....

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26. On Account Of The Self Making Itself

Of Brahman which the text had introduced as intent on creation, 'He wished, may I be many' (Taitt. Up. II, 6), a subsequent text says ....

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27. Owing To Modification

This means--owing to the essential nature of modification (parinama). The modification taught in our system is not such as to introduce imperfections into the highest Brahman ....

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28. And Because It Is Called The Womb

Brahman is the material as well as the operative cause of the world for that reason also that certain texts call it the womb, 'the maker, the Lord, the Person ....

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29. Herewith All (Texts) Are Explained, Explained

Hereby, i.e. by the whole array of arguments set forth in the four pādas of the first adhyāya; all those particular passages of the Vedānta-texts ....

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1715 reads)

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