21. If it be said that they are mere glorification, on account of their reference; not so, on account of the newness.
The following point is next enquired into. Are texts such as 'That Udg�tha is the best of all essences, the highest, holding the supreme place, the eighth' (Kh. Up. I, 1, 3) meant to glorify the Udg�tha as a constituent element of the sacrifice, or to enjoin a meditation on the Udg�tha as the best of all essences, and so on? The P�rvapakshin holds the former view, on the ground that the text declares the Udg�tha to be the best of all essences in so far as being a constituent element of the sacrifice. The case is analogous to that of texts such as 'the ladle is this earth, the �havan�ya is the heavenly world,' which are merely meant to glorify the ladle and the rest as constituent members of the sacrifice.--This view the latter part of the S�tra sets aside 'on account of newness.'
Texts, as the one referring to the Udg�tha, cannot be mere glorifications; for the fact of the Udg�tha being the best of essences is not established by any other means of proof, and the text under discussion cannot therefore be understood as a mere anuv�da, meant for glorification. Nor is there, in proximity, any injunction of the Udg�tha on account of connexion with which the clause declaring the Udg�tha to be the best of all essences could naturally be taken as an anuv�da (glorifying the thing previously enjoined in the injunctive text); while there is such an injunction in connexion with the (anuv�da) text 'The ladle is this earth,' and so on. We thus cannot but arrive at the conclusion that the text is meant to enjoin a meditation on the Udg�tha as being the best of all essences, and so on--the fruit of such meditation being an increase of vigour and efficacy on the part of the sacrifice.