Offer an uddharana-full
of water at the feet of the deity or picture as you chant:
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana
Bharata Shatruggna Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra Parabramhane Namaha
paadyam samarpayaami
I offer water to your
Offer an uddharana-full of water to
the hands of the deity or picture as you chant:
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana
Bharata Shatruggna Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra Parabramhane Namaha
arghyam samarpayaami
I offer water to your
Offer again an uddharana-full of
water to the hands of the deity or picture as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana
Bharata Shatruggna Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra Parabramhane Namaha
I offer water to quench
Offer some sweet drink as you chant: |