village Thor, in Pachhad tahsil, is an ancient temple with a gilt dome but no image.
Worship is held every evening with music, incense, and the sound of conch. Pilgrims offer
fruits and grains etc. The investment of the Guru, also called "Mahant" (prior),
in this temple is quite a pompous ceremony. The temple was originally founded by Mahant
Tawarnath but was subsequently rebuilt by Mahant Mayagir, eleventh in descent from
The names of the Mahants who have held this
temple, in order of succession are, Tawarnath, Balgir, Bhawannagir, Ramgir, Sanjhagir,
Mansagir, Daulatgir, Bachangir, Ilaichigir, Dhanigir, Mayagir, Dayagir, Shankargir,
Purangir, Bhimgir, Akhandagir and Vishnugir (the present "Mahant").
Author: P.C.Roy Choudary