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Preliminary Prayers

Hindu Books > How To Conduct Puja > How To Conduct Puja To Sree Rama Chandra > Preliminary Prayers

Lord Sri Rama Chandra Page1

Before starting the puja proper, it is essential to contemplate Mahaganapati to assure ourselves that no obstacles interfere with a smooth performance of the puja rituals. Thus, with folded hands chant the following:

Karishyamaanasya karmanaha nirvighnena Parisamaaptyartham

Aadhou mahaaganapati smaranam karishye

So that the ceremonies we are about to undertake proceed to completion without any obstacles we contemplate on Mahagnapati

Similarly the gruhadevata, i.e. the family godhead needs to be invoked as He/She is ever present bestowing protection to the family at all times. A picture or deity of the gruhadevata, if availble, should be arranged on the altar. Chant as follows:

Gruha devataam dhyayaami

Dhyaanam samarpayaami

I respectfully contemplate our family Godhead

Finally, it is necessary to pay respect to the family guru (Guru here refers to aachaaryaas such as Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanujaacharya, Madhvacharya) and offer prayer before beginning the ceremony by chanting

Guru brahmaa gururvishnuhu gururdevo maheswararaha

Guru saakshaat parabrahma tasmai sreeguruve namaha

Salutations to the preceptor who is verily Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara And who personifies the Supreme Being.

Author : Dr.Srinivasan

Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2003-03-10 (5823 reads)

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Preliminary Prayers

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