If there's one god whose name is knows and recognized throught the world, it
is SriKrishna. Philosophers identify Krishna as the teacher of that amrita
(nectar) knows as Srimadbhagavadgita. The pious identify Him as the savior and protector
of those who seek and surrender to Him. Students of the Gita know Him as the charioteer
friend and mentor of Arjuna. Students of the epic Mahabharata know him as the
pivot around which hundreds of ugly events that occurred were resolved through
His guidance and intervention. The most notable example of his power was the
spectacular saving of Draupadi's honor in the court of Dhritarashtra. For
his bhakats (devotees) Krishna is a delight with His playful pranks as a child .
who can ever forget the episode of the child Krishna eating mud and revealing
the three world when the shocked mother yasoda asked Him to open His mouth ! And
his teasing of the gopees as a young lover ? What fun the citizens of Dwaraka
must have had 1 But most of all it is Lord Krishna's promise to humanity made in
the third of four yugas, Dwaaparayuga that has susatined the Hindu belief in the
Supreme Being over thousand of years. i.e.
Yadaa yadaahi dharmasya glaanirbbhavuti Bhuarata
abhyutthaanum addharmasya tadauthmaanam
Whenever there is decline of dharma, Oh
I shall manifest Myself in order to restore balance
Whenever we feel weak and unable to perform our duties to ourselves, to our family or the community all we need is to recall Krishna's charge to Arjun when the latter hesitated on the battlefield o Kurukshetra and could not find the courage to fight It was then that Lord Krishna delivered the electrifying message that remains
timeless in it inspiration:
Klaibyam maa sma gamah Partha naitat
Kshudram hrdaya dourbalyam tyaktvottishta
"Yield not to impotence, 0 Arjuna, It does not befit
Cast off this mean weakness of heart. Stand up."
Let us never forget that the Arjuna in this context is none other than you and me. This particular
shloka represents the very essence of the Gita's message. It speaks of strength. It condemns weakness. It re-emphasizes the Upanishadic pronouncement: "naayamaatma balaheenena labhyaha" i.e. "the atman cannot be attained by the weak." The entire message of the Gita is based on this fundamental principle.
Then in Chapter 2, verse 11, Krishna strikes the
Ashochyan anvashochstvam prajnavadamscha
Simply put, it says: "Do not Grieve." Swami Venkateshananda says that we should use this verse as a mantra. When worry knocks at our door which it does, when grief threatens - as it does, let us visualize Sri Krishna standing before us, saying, "You are worrying
unnecessarily." Thinking is essential. Worrying is not only unnecessary, but it actually prevents thinking.
Through hundreds of fascinating episodes, this most beloved God has established a code of conduct and a set of values that are singularly Hindu and yet
universal in application. The core message is also the core philosophy of the Hindus i.e. the framework of Dharma within which we are asked to serve society even as we enjoy life on this earth. For the Hindus there is no scripture comparable to the Mahabharata of Vyaasa which examines life in practical terms and
constantly provides, from one book to the next, sensations that range from sorrow, pain, fear, to joy, from failure to triumph. Krishna is at the center of each of these, teaching as it were, the very essence of life. Therefore, let us, the Arjunas of today pledge:
Karishye vachanam tava
"We shall perform (our duties) according to your