Vandaneeya Smt. Laxmibai alias Mausiji Kelkar felt the pinch and decided to infuse this thought and feeling among the women. She also observed that the progress and prosperity of a nation cannot be complete, unless the women of the land, who happen to form half the nation, are trained in that way. She studied the situation, thought over the problem and came to the conclusion that women who are the creators and moulders of the nation should come forward and shoulder the responsibility. With this view in mind, she met Pujaneeya Doctor Hedgewar who was already busy in organising the Hindu youths through Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Both the genii discussed the matter from every angle. Vandaneeya Mausiji convinced the urgency of the task and Rashtra Sevika Samiti came into existence as an independent cultural organisation of Hindu women. It was the auspicious day of Vijaya Dashami of 1936. P. P. Doctorji was very much emphatic about the independent and parallel nature of the working of these two Hindu organisations.
Being a vital part of the nation the field of activities of women is different and peculiarly important than that of men. Woman is a common bond of affection and attachment in a family, in her capacity as a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. The family, society automatically becomes weak and feeble, when this bond looses its grip and power. It is, therefore, utterly necessary to make women strong physically, mentally, intellectually and spiritually also, so that she can get correct and coordinating outlook regarding her duties towards the family and society and create a deep sense of devotion and pride for nation, religion and culture. With this motive in mind Rashtra Sevika Samiti started functioning.
Bhagawad dhwaja, a symbol of our ancient glorious Sanskriti, is a point of honour of our country. Rashtra Sevika Samiti regards this Dhwaja as its Guru and has a firm faith that our honour, pride and our values of life can be safeguarded only by putting into practice the ideals, the dhwaja denotes.
Anushasan (self imposed discipline) is one of the strongholds of any organisation. Samiti Sevikas are very particular in this respect. Anushasan in Samiti is not a self centred dictatorship but has a family touch. They regard Pramukha, Sanchalika as the head of this big family and willingly accept the rules and orders as a sacred bond of love necessary for the smooth running of the organisation. That is Ekchalikanuvartitva.
Samiti has also enunciated the theory that the women are the foundation pillars of the nation taking into account their capacity to mould the family in either way. Samiti worships Goddess Ashtabhuja which is an integral combination of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati and Mahalaxmi. Co-ordination of Strength, Intellect and Wealth elevates the nation to a higher plane. The weapons in all the eight hands symbolise the qualities, necessary for an ideal Hindu woman. She takes inspiration from Her and exerts for just cause and service to humanity.
Enlightened motherhood is a cherished ideal of Hindu woman. Jijabai trained her son Shivaji and his tribal friends for fighting with the foreign rulers to make this country independent. She had a definite aim of establishing Hindu Sovereignty by organising the various constituents of Hindu Society. A Hindu woman is an eternal mother a symbol of love, sacrifice, dedication, fearlessness, sanctity and devotion. The tenderhearted woman becomes bold and aggressive if time demands. Inherent qualities of leadership as well as chastity of character were clearly predominent in Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi. Her boldness, patriotism, qualities of generalship were highly appreciated by all foreigners although they were her rivals. Rani Laxmibai while escaping from besieged, turned back and fought successfully with British soldiers who attacked her friend. Finding herself helpless, she requested Gangadas Baba to set on fire the hut which she occupied, as she did not desire to be molested by the foreigners. Devi Ahalyabai Holkar, the Queen of Indore (Madhya Bharat) has set an excellent example of efficient administration. Her contribution to encourage free trade and the concept of welfare state is very admirable. Her practices for maintaining integral nationality, her impartial justice, were very effective. She led a very simple and selfless life, not utilising a single pie from the royal treasury for her personal use. Motherhood, leadership and efficient administration are the qualities to be followed from these great lives.
Rashtra Sevika Samiti celebrates birth and death anniversaries of many such great women of Bharat to get inspiration from them.
Nature and mode of work Daily Shakhas Just as regular diet and exercise are required for good health, regular Sanskaras are necessary for building up a healthy national character. In addition to the organisational capacity, mutual love, affection, good will, faith, healthy character-building, co-ordination and a feeling of oneness can be created by regular sanskaras. Resultantly Samiti has stressed for daily shakhas. Physical training is imported with the motive to make all sevikas of all age groups, healthy, strong enough to protect themselves, self dependent and capable of using discretionary power and presence of mind. This self implies not only the individual self but also family, society, nation, religion and culture. Boldness to face any situation, vigour, daring, pure character, patriotism etc. automatically evolved through shakha procedure.
A sound mind dwells in a sound body. Intellectual development is a result of various such programmes arranged in daily Shakhas Sevikas become fully aware of the present and past of the country, being well versed in the glorious culture and tradition of Bharat. Elderly women and housewives who cannot attend daily evening Shakhas conduct weekly Shakhas. The programmes are arranged in a befitting way.
Exhaustive camps in summer vacations and refresher camps in winter holidays are conducted to train the sevikas, so that they can acquire the capacity to hold such training camps independently, in all the states, to ensure a constant chain of dedicated workers.
Samiti has spontaneously and sincerely contributed to maximum capacity in all times of national distresses due to vagaries of nature and other exigencies in any region of the country.
In educational field, Samiti has stepped in through Grihini Vidyalaya, Bombay, in 1953. Now a plan of reorganising woman education with the object of giving sufficient scope for development of her inherent qualities is being drafted. Some training camps for teachers on experimental basis are designed to be conducted.
Bhajan Mandals, Tutorial classes for slum areas. Charitable dispensaries, Udyog Mandirs, Cottage industries, Hostels for college as well as vanavasi (tribals) girls, Yogasana classes. Well equipped libraries, Pujarites training classes and many such side activities are sponsored by Samiti.
Being fully aware of its role in nation building, Rashtra Sevika Samiti is marching resolutely offering itc contribution in each and every phase of the renaissance of the great Hindu Nation.