Rashtra Sevika Samiti's basic principle is Hindutwa. The
Samiti firmly believes that every person born Hindu must
practise this principle. In the absence of it there is
every possibility of Hindu, losing his identity and
losing identity is a crisis in a nation's life. Samiti
is committed not to allow it.
Nationhood and Citizenship
When we think about Bharat, it is automatically evident
that Hindutwa and nationhood are two sides of one and the
same coin. The concept of nationhood in Bharat is based
on the bonds of love and affection, while the modern
concept of citizenship is based on a sort of legal contract with the administration for one's safety and benefits. Citizenship is liable to be changed while the
nationhood cannot be changed. Citizenship demands while
the nationhood inspires dedication.
What is a Nation ?
A populace living in a specific geographical area, does
not by itself constitute a nation. Sheer multitude of
human beings, at the best may only be a crowd, but when
these people live together, inspired by integrated ideas
and ideals, strive with deligence and devotion for accomplishing some common aspirations, welfare and mutual
benefit, there arises and flourishes the concept of a
nation. The important and vital unit of a nation is the
populace. A human being is born and not manufactured in
a factory. The same applies to the Janashakti which is
self emerging.
The people should have common will power that is aspirations for a well organised life. The means of fulfilling
these aspirations is called Dharma by our Rishies. Still
more important constituent of a Rashtra is, it's own
eternal values of life and ideals. In such a populace
the members do not merely exist but live together a
purposeful life for a long period of time. Then there
emanates a fragrance which is called Sanskriti.
Mother Child Relation
Just as a human personality is an integral combination of
body, mind, intellect and soul, the Rashtra is an integral combination of land, people, their common will,
aspirations, traditions, Dharma and values of life. The
concepts of Rashtra is not merely geographical but an
emotional one, based on mutual relationship of the people
and the land as that of a mother and her children. From
absolute devotion towards the nation, springs out eternal
and abundant strength.
Unity in Diversity
Bharat presents human evolution in all its states and
stages from the lowest to the highest. She may be described as a living store house of cults and creeds,
customs and social systems. It is not a museum of inert
things and material objects but a congregation of living
communities and a spiritual, emotional and intellectual
system developing in a common way of life. The character
of Bharat is easily elevated and mingled with her continental vastness and diversity. The whole is too large to
grasp as a unit but its vast variety contains and exhibits a common thread of inner unity. Unity in diversity
is the peculiarity of Bharat, that being a symbol of
vitality, richness and strength. A Hindu, living in any
distant corner of the universe, has the same common
points of honour.
There is still a wide misunderstanding about our name
Hindu. Many think that it is a name given by outsiders
who pronounced Sa as Ha and therefore Sindhu became
Hindu but the, Barhaspatya Puran contains a shloka which
unequivocally proclaims that this country was known as
Hindusthan long before the advent of any foreigner, which
means this name is not a mere geographical expression.
But it has a significance indicating our values of life
and peculiarities of our character. i.e. a divine creation which is far more superior to any human creation.
The foundation of Hindutwa has been laid down on the
bedrock of spiritual truths. The entire structure of
Hindu life is built on eternal truths; on the findings
and experiences of our great Rishies. It is stern and
rigid regarding the fundamentals but very elastic and
adjusting to the externals and non essentials. Our deep
devotion, love and sense of service is expressed in our
literature. The mention of seven sacred cities and
rivers from various parts of the country, the four Dhamas
situated at the four ends of the Country denote this
feeling and elevates an individual to the superlevel
Ex British Prime Minister's Views
A former Prime Minister of Britain, the late J. Ramsay
MacDonald describes this sentiment of Hindus as follows.
"The Hindu regards India not only as a political unit,
naturally the subject of one sovereignty whether British,
Muslims or Hindus but as an outward embodiment as the
temple nay even the goddess mother of his spiritual
culture. He made India the symbol of his culture. He
fitted it with his soul. In his consciousness, it was
his greater self." (Introduction to The fundamental
unity of India)
The title of Hindusthan was purposely changed to India by
the British rulers with a definite idea to make us forget
our initial relationship with our motherland. Pandit
Deen Dayal Upadbyaya has said " One cannot say India Mata
Ki Jai and that the constant practice of saying India
instead of Bharat, Hindustan, will definitely devoid us
of this Mother child relationship."
Hindutva a Vital Force
The history of Bharat bears the imprints of Hindutva
which is its life energy and vital force. Individual
Hindutva is not correlated to the way of worship. Therefore, a group worshipping Buddha, Mahavira or Guru
Granth Sahib is a Hindu; just as Saivites, Vaishnavites,
Shaktas etc. are Hindus. There are a lot of unifying
forces. The integrity of a nation cannot be attained
only by one rule, one policy, one constitution or one
ruler, though they are the vital factors in attaining it,
one aspiration, one heart, one centre of honour and pride
are equally important. There can be local aspirations
but they should be localised and should not stand in
conflict with the nation's aspirations, giving way to
separatism. Integrity of Bharat should be attained by
emotional and devotional aspects respected by each and
Spirit of Receptivity a Speciality of Hindus
Adi Shankaracharya, a man born in Kerala, the south most
part of our country is honoured and respected throughout
the country because all the people have a common bond of
devotion towards culture. Sant Namadev born in Maharashtra went to Punjab and some of his compositions were
included in Guru Granth sahib. Guru Govindsingh and all
the Sikh Gurus find a place of reverence in every nook
and corner of Bharat. No Saint of any region of Bharat
ever felt any difficulty of language and security as all
were equally honoured as the carriers of our divine
culture. Every man who is born Hindu has a sacred feeling in his heart about the Ganga, The Himalayas, Varanasi, Rameshwaram etc. One of the commonest prayers for a
Hindu is to recall and worship the image of Motherland as
the land of seven sacred cities, representing important
regions of the country. The spirit of these prayers is
further sustained by the Hindu institution of pilgrimage.
The Hindus experienced and lived integrity, without
making a fuss about the word integrity .
Sanskrit Vehicle of Sanskriti
Sanskrit is the vehicle of cultural unity. Monier Williams in his book 1 Hinduism has stated "India though
it has more than 500 spoken dialects, has only one sacred
language and one sacred literature accepted and revered
by all Hindus alike however diverse in race, dialect,
rank and. creed. That language is Sanskrit and that
literature is Sanskrit, the only repository of Veda or
knowledge in its widest sense, the only vehicle of Hindu
theology, philosophy, law and mythology, the only mirror
in which all the creeds, opinions, customs, usages of the
Hindus are faithfully reflected and the only quarry
whence requisite material may be obtained for improving
the vernacular or for expressing important religious and
scientific ideas."
Purusharthas: Dharma based way of co ordination
Purusharthas are another set of values and guidelines
which enable a Hindu to live a meaningful, purposeful and
harmonius life. Many misunderstood Hindutwa as leaning
towards negativism, but contrary to it Purusharthas
motivate an individual to earn and fulfil (ones) his
desires in a Dharma based way. These values elevate a
man from his body consciousness to higher planes of
thoughts and supervalues.
All other powers, have sown seeds of separatism, to make
Bharat weak as they know that Bharat is the only country
to challenge their material supremacy on the strength of
her spiritual practices. But we should be alert and
defeat their purpose by emphasising on every Hindu. mind
that we are a component limb of our society. Just as
every limb has its specific duty, but has no existence
without the body, we have also no existence without our
Samaj purush's body. The body cannot function without
its limbs and limbs cannot exist independently, separating them from the body. This relationship can be safeguarded by promoting the ideals of Hindutwa.
It is the truth universally accepted that it is impossible to think of the society without an individual and
there is no existence of an individual without society.
The basis on which the individual and the society and
attained co ordination and harmony was named as purusharthas.
Varnashram Dharma scientific social system
Varnashram system was logically and also scientifically
based on the same values of life to maintain the quality
and texture of an integrated life.
Hindutwa has imparted to the whole of Bharat a strong and
stable cultural unity that has through ages stood the
shocks of political revolutions and foreign invasions
Hindutwa is neither ascetism nor illusionism, polytheism
nor pantheism. It is not only a collection of thoughts
but a successful way of divine life evolved through ages.
It is a complete view of life, characterised by wide
toleration, deep humanity and high spiritual purpose,
free from fanaticism. It is a synthesis of all types of
Dharma based experiences. This and this alone is the
reason of its survival.
The glory of Hindutwa is ineffable. It has within it,
all the features of universal Dharma its doctrines sublime, philosophy, grand ethics soul, elevating, scriptures wonderful and unique Vedantic practices.
But in a craze to project that one is ultra modern or
progressive, living in a computer age, it has become a
fashion to deny one's identity with this divine culture.
Due to constant brain washing by the foreign rulers,
introducing oneself as Hindu is taken as a sign of
,regress or communalism, by many Hindus. As such, we are
standing on a suicidal turn of losing our identity and
life force.
It can be accepted that a Hindu is one who honours the
tradition having its origin in the Vedas, the tradition
which was led further by Shri Ram and Shri Krishna and
glorified by Chhatrapati Shivaji and Rana Pratap and
other great sons of this land. A Hindu identifies himself with the glory, the insult and the calamities of
Bharat and responds to it in a very spontaneous way
disregarding his personal interests. Awakening these
sentiments and organising the Hindus on a cultural basis
is the life mission of Samiti. It must further be reiterated that Hindu cannot be communal or selfish or narrow minded, because it this Hindu philosophy only, which
has professed the principles of
- Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - The whole world is one
family. The love & affection prevailing in the family is
expected to prevail among the human beings all over the
- Krinvanto Vishwamaryam - We should make all the
world sophisticated and cultured in thought and practice.
- Atmavat Sarvabhuteshu - We should behave with others
as we expect others to behave with us.
- Matruvat Paradareshu - All women except the wife
are to be honoured and respected as mothers.
- Sarvepi Sukhinah Santu - Let all the living being
of the world be happy and healthy.
- Gratitude To express gratitude towards everybody
and everything from which we get something essential for
our life.
- Unity in diversity - There is one inner thread of
unity amongst the outward diversities.
All these principles speak about the generous, broad and
tolerant nature of the Hindus, Though some Hindus may
show outwardly indifference or disregard towards Hindu
Sanskriti yet in the heart of their hearts they have some
regard about it, and it is expressed some time or other
consciously or unconsciously. That particular point of
sentiment is to be appealed and promoted for bold and
vivid expression. When this oneness is attained no
problems exist. So it is the duty of every Hindu
to .experience the feeling of gratification as well as
total oneness with the dignity or otherwise of Bharatmata. Then one will positively strive to attain a stage
where nobody will dare to insult us.
Let us boldly come out of this fake cover and proudly
identify with this divine way of life to meet all the
current challenges successfully.
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