Likewise, prayer, if chanted in a group with centralised will, a prayer has the power and strength to change the atmosphere. It has the capacity to create subtle wavelengths in the cosmos. When such congenial waves in the cosmos join together, they obtain immense power.
Sister Nivedita, in her book "Religion and Dharma" has stressed the necessity of group prayer. She felt that the group prayer connects the hearts of common people possessing uncommon potentiality.
Samiti's prayer is offered in front of Bhagawad dhwaja. Bhagawad dhwaja means flag of God, Bhag means fortune, rich with its six divine qualities which are essential for the eternal prosperity of the nation. That is why we daily pledge ourselves to build up an organisation of women possessing these qualities. This commitment is our source of life nay it is our life energy.
In order to maintain fully the power of inspiration, correct pronunciation of words and practice, consistent with their meaning is essential. To repeat the Mantra without knowing its meaning is just irrelevant. The meaning of words flashes to us only after deep constant, deliberate thinking. Every problem has a definite technique for its solution. Here, technique means rules of conduct. A Mantra can be fruitful only if it is coordinated with its Tantra. It is the moral duty of every Sevika to understand every word of the prayer; think over and act according to its implication. That will definitely, bring from within, the desired change in attitude, elevating our lives.
(Everything is born out of this earth as well as everything rests here only. The earth is the point of prestige to all). (Bhishma Parva 10-74)
(She is the Father, Mother, Son, Space, Heaven, and everything. Disregarding the shortcomings, She regards everybody with equal affection.)
Partha is one of the names of Arjuna. It means son of Pritha Prithvi. Our body is also made of Prithvi Tatva and is going to be one with it at the end of our lives. Dust Thou art and unto dust thou returneth. That way we are all Parthas. Our Mother nourishes us for a particular time, but our Motherland offers us everything required for our growth and maintenance during the entire span of life. Not only that, she takes us in her lap and assimilates us completely, even after the end of our life. The greatness of Motherland attracts the Gods also who long to take birth here.
Sir Arnold Toyanbee, after his deep study of all the cultures of this world, came to the conclusion that.the keyword of Twenty first century would be Dharma, and that only Bharat will have the capacity to lead the world that time. All other nations are engrossed in material inventions leading to pleasure detrimental to the sanctity and mental peace of the Universe. At such a juncture only Bharat can lead others towards integrity, that being her nature and mission. To remind all Bbarateeyas about this quality and nature and to lead them towards organised strength is our object.
The prayer has been composed in Sanskrit, which is medium of expression of Bharateeya Sanskriti. All the knowledge has been treasured in this language only.
Sanskrit has the capacity to convey the thoughts accurately in a few words. It has a very rich vocabulary having very subtle shades of meanings. Moreover all the languages spoken in different parts of the country have their origin in Sanskrit. It is really our pride that the modern scientists have declared it as the most scientific language for feeding the computers. Every word in Sanskrit has a tremendous power if pronounced correctly. It is the linking factor, in all these diversities. It is called as Dev Vani meaning the language of cultured society. In order,to remind this sense of integrity Sanskrit has been chosen for expressing our thoughts in our prayer.
Now the Text of the prayer
Our Motherland A divine abode We are saluting motherland.
Our Motherland is a divine creation having excellent heritage. We in group and not individually are greeting her. The spirit of being together has to be emphasised. It is our fortune, reaped out of our good deeds in the past births that were blessed with the opportunity to offer our respects to her instead of Gods or Goddesses. The very existence of Gods and deities, religion, culture safe, if our Motherland exists with prestige and prowess. Our Motherland is the origin of all the divinities. She only has given a clarion call for humanity, tolerance, broad mindedness, forgivefullness and divinity of soul.
Our Motherland is pure and sacred. Ordinarily a mother is always sacred to her children but our Bharatmata is sacred to the foreigners also. Abdulla Barsat who visited Bharat in the 14th century has stated, Its dust is purer than air and the air is purer than purity itself.
[ India In The Eyes of Foreigners] Veer Savarkar has also described Bharatmata as the origin and abode of all Divinity. Every particle of the dust of Bharatmata is fragrant with the touch of some saint or philosopher. All the rivers and arbours here are sacred because the original and eternal thought on human life, spirituality or philosophy was experienced here only, by a Buddha or a Shankaracharya, when the rest of the world was groping in the darkness of barbarity. Every cave or bill reminds us of a Vyasa, a Kapilmuni, a Valmiki, a Patanjali or a Bhagirath. Shri Rama's, Shri Krishna's footprints have decorated this land only. It is this land, where one young prince pledged to destroy the demonish spirit, renunciating his Kingdom, where the magic of a youth's flute made all the Gokulvasin's run after him, forgetting everything. Every little stone of this land has been treasured with the legend of some martyr. Every inch of our Mother land is a Yagya Bhoomi where Gyanayagyas were constantly performed by the Seers. That is why every one born here regards Hindusthan as a sacred land. Vedic prayers are all group prayers. We all wish to strive for the glory of our society and nation. This sense of attachment, oneness, keeps the nation intact. It is we, who are responsible for the rise and fall of our country. There should be no scope for narrow individuality. it is not I promoting ego, but we promoting the spirit of broad collectivity.
O, Motherland, you are a sacred land for us. We, your daughters brought up and cultured by you, are offering our respects to youYour daughters The qualities of mother are reflected in daughters We are the daughters of Bharatmata. We are brought up and cultured. Our minds are to be refined to the maximum extent. Bharatmata's history, philosophy, literature, arts and culture enrich our mind and intellect. We are not common human beings indulging in selfish affairs. The divine touch of Bharatmata has enlightened our lives. It is She who has given us Patheya to enable us to lead a gratified life. The impression of collective refined life has been received by us from her only. Her progeny has set an example, through their lives that life is a Sadhana, a path of penance and duty and that we are not sent here for material enjoyment. Automatically we are moulded likewise. Such daughters of yours, who are your prototype (nay you in miniature) are worshipping you.
All these adjectives explicitly denote the characteristics of our beloved motherland means affectionate, universal quality of our concept of Mother. She loves her children selflessly, demanding or expecting nothing in return. Her affection knows no bound. Every second She thinks of the welfare of her children, irrespective of all extortion and agonies She had to suffer. Forgiveness arises out of it. Our motherland, also produces things that make our life prosperous and comfortable. auspicious and always blessing her children. We are reminded of Lord Ganesh who is auspiciousness incarnate. He showers happiness, banishes agonies, sorrows and calamities. So we worship him at the beginning of every rite. Our mother and motherland possess the same qualities. They are the symbol of Devi Parvati Lord Ganesh's mother. That is why they are Mangal. In ancient times our culture was honoured throughout the world for delivering the message of peace, prosperity and humanity. In the present state of mental tensions and restlessness, all the world is hopefully looking towards us to be blessed by mental peace and tranquility being sure that they can get it from Bharat only. That is Mangal.
The Land of Hindus. Hindu is our identity on personal, cultural and national level. The word Hindu does not stand for a particular caste or sect but is an expression of our characteristic vastness as stated in the Shloka
The geographical dimensions are clear; starting from the northmost slope (and not southmost one as is thought generally) as accepted by the principle of Watershed Area of the Himalayas, to the southmost end of Hindu Mahasagar. The continental vastness is quite clear means created by God. This is a distinctive quality. Any divine creation is at par excellence. The same is true in respect of our country. Hindu means one who is pained by violence and extremities, one who is tolerant but cannot bear injustice and is ever alert to fight with evil whole heartedly, one who stands for super humanity denouncing demonic qualities. He is intelligent, brave, righteous and Tejaswi. The last but not the least, the Hindu is one who leads a totally integrated life and respects Bharat as his mother and does not regard her as a mere piece of land. He identifies himself with the ups and downs, prestige and reverses of this land means the land of people possessing all those qualities. It automatically transpires, that we must dedicate ourselves for upholding all these aspects. We are voluntarily dedicating our lives at your altar. That is the only way to express our gratitude and pride. Dedication is the highest stage of devotion. There is no separate identity after that. We become one with the object of devotion, without any concern for any obstructions and obstacles coming in the way. We are quite aware that it is not an easy path. Once dedicated, every moment of our life should be utilised for our venerable object. We must be ever alert that every thought, word and action of ours is harmonious with the glorious tradition of our country. That will snake our lives purposeful. The nature of our work is like the gentle, soft showers, penetrating deep in the soil, making it fertile. Character building is a process and cannot be completed by any short cut method. It should continue constantly to sublimate our ills and passions, smoothening the rough, pricking edges of our personality. There is only one enunciation and that is selfless service to our beloved, respectful motherland.
We are repeatedly respecting the super power controlling the cosmos, because it has given birth to our great Hindu nation. There is a stress on the word which is an eternal entity. Our nation has digested so many intruders and invaders. It is our nation only, which is boldly committed to elevate the whole world to a super level of life by self practice of eternal values of life. We are very much grateful towards the cosmic power for the creation of our unique nation having glorious traditions. It is due to your blessing only that we are inclined to be united and ready to follow the righteous path of service to nation. It is really the grace of Superpower that we are chosen as a medium to fulfill divine mission, to mould the world to Superhuman direction. It is our privilege and so we are gratified. Persons, not blessed by God, are not inclined to do any good work, as they have not done any good in their past births. Our Sadhana on the organisational level will definitely elevate the whole nation, due to our past good deeds. There is something peculiar this nation possesses that makes the whole world bow humbly before it. It is the traditional Chastity, Purity, Virtuousness, Service and Sacrifice of her daughters. It is more valuable than any material wealth. Due to heavy impact of western culture, there are chances that we may deviate from these qualities. The nation's topping industries, administration, science technology and wealth lack the eternal quality of Hindu women her motherly attitude, a centre of respect and honour. We are requesting the respectful Bharatmata to gift us, her beloved daughters, with that sanctity, chastity and virtuousness the befitting qualities of motherhood.
We are again asking her to enable us to generate the innate power promoting divinity. This power is capable of destroying the evil practices as well as tendencies. We have got power but we must have the discrimination to use it in a way benevolent to our nation. Whenever the nation was at crisis or dilemma it is this mother power which had faced it successfully That is our traditional mission. A woman has to pass through four phases of lifedaughter, sister, wife and mother. In all these phases she is and can be a source of inspiration and a guide to a right path, if she determines accordingly. We require the will, strength and power to enable us to eliminate evil tendencies and practices. We must guard against the slightest impurity or adulteration in thought or action. The personality or character is designed and moulded in home. The emotions, aspirations, sense of duty are gradually evolved there. It is here, that we get the first lesson to think for others and not to live only for one's own self. One gets trained to seek happiness in the happiness of others which is very difficult. Home is the only laboratory where this ideal can be attained. Sensitivity to sufferings of others, has practically disappeared and it has resulted into total isolation of individuals. Sensitivity promotes humanity. Every home is like a fortress. Admitting or refusing entrance therein is left to the sole discretion of the commander of the fortress, similarly the mistress of the house has to resolve what to patronise and what not and thereby keep away the evils. It is not enough, not to be a party to evil acts. It is equally essential to encourage to do good things. Eradication of malpractices and promotion of morality requires a tot of strength, mental as well as physical. A Hindu woman has performed excellently in this respect by her forbearance, affection, dedication etc. It is quite natural to get wounded during a battle but it requires boldness, steadiness, bravery and tenacity to sustain injuries. These qualities are to be acquired by a Hindu woman to deal efficiently with the problems of all sorts. She must be bold enough to stand for what is right and condemn what is wrong, with reference to national interests. Then only she can be blessed with the unconquerable power attributed to Durgadevi, as described in Devi Bhagwat. Naturally, the family, society and the nation can march forward to the path of peace and prosperity. We, the daughters of Bharatmata, are praying for such power and capacity. That is our real achievement.
There are many distinguished examples of daughters, sisters, wives and mothers of this land who have performed their role with magnificent efficiency. There are also examples of colossal loss to nation in the absence of such alertness and deviation from the path of duty on the part of women. Therefore it is our prime duty to see that every individual coming in our contact is elevated with these Sanskars and that he contributes to the maximum extent for revitalising Hindu mainstream.
The desired qualities of Hindu women are proclaimed in the end. Hindu woman is very much particular regarding the purity of her character. i. e. is apt in our case also means moral, well disposed, well inclined, chaste. It can come to an end by being attached to immoral practices violation of morality on the part of women is taken as a very serious crisis in our nation. A person deviating from righteousness is a cause for degradation of himself, his society and the whole world. We shall never be a cause of such degradation. Morality in thought and action carries weight in moulding persons. We want to maintain the traditions. All evil forces yield to chastity. So we want to be pure and firm excellently brave, bold and courageous whatever our destiny, we will rise above it courageously and resolutely. If we want to introduce and protect good things, we must be very firm, steady, daring, dauntless, intelligent and well composed means capable, competent, qualified, powerful also means one possessing all the best qualities, one who is always in quest of the ultimate reality or tries to unveil the mysteries of the universe. One who is very active in gathering social consciousness, one having proper aim in life and competent in dealing with various types of people. A person experiences himself all things he wants others to do. A Hindu woman, attaining these qualities is strong, able, physically as well as mentally.
Achievement of divine qualities is essential for a person for material and spiritual progress. These qualities must be nurtured deliberately, purposefully and ultimately they form a part of our nature. Such reflex action by the daughters of Bharatmata is a desired object united organised. it is imperative in the present condition to be united. It is correctly said The present state of affairs proves the necessity of being united.
All the burning problems of today arise for want of unity. A separatist mentality is gathering strength because of this only. If not checked in time it may challenge the very existence of our country. Refusing to sing national anthem, bycotting the celebration of the Republic Day, burning the Constitution of the country, tearing the national flag, insulting our points of honour and prestige, is nothing but an evidence of increasing audacity of anti national elements, due to lack of our unity and utter indifference. We have learnt from the history, the dangers of standing unorganised. So we have decided to be organised. We are very much convinced about our duties and divine mission. We have understood our role and are ready to perform it with bright success then only a brilliant future nation can take shape. We are the architect of it. We shall strive till we are successful. For that, it is essential that the image of Bharatmata must be installed in every Hindu heart and worshipped with utmost devotion and dedication, then only the feeling of oneness and integrity can come into existence.
All trifling differences will vanish. We are Hindu by birth fortunately and is not merely an accident but it is not sufficient. We must be Hindu by practice. It will create an invincible strength and power. Samiti is not an undisciplined group or crowd, rousing applause of Bharatmata. Every person has an important place in the chain and cannot afford to be loose and feeble. Every soldier has to attain certain qualities to maintain the standard of the army. Every drop of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen but when one drop joins others, it forms a formidable sea. Similarly, if all the common persons charged with energy of dedication and devotion to motherland are bound together with the bondage of love, an uncommon and powerful source of inspiration will start functioning. We are confirming that concept while saying in the end of the prayer, Bharat Mata Ki Jai. We have started by offering respects to Bharatmata and end with the same emotion, overwhelmed in our hearts.
Our prayer is one of the strongholds of our organisation. We must make it more and more powerful by following its implication.