Vandaneeya Taiji always describes an ideal worker as one who has ice on her head and sugar on her tongue. In fact this is the real and appropriate introduction of her nature also. Vandaneeya Taiji (Saraswatibai) Apte, the Pramukh Sanchalika of Rashtra Sevika Samiti, is herself an embodiment of motherhood and leads the organisation in that Spirit.

Born in 1910 and brought up in the naturally beautiful and lively region of Konkan in Maharashtra, she assimilated the energetic evergreen lively attitude of nature.

She was fortunate to have an opportunity to stay with her paternal uncle, late Shri Lokmanya Tilakji the Father of Indian Unrest, who gave a clarion call of Independence. Taiji received her primary lessons of devotion, dedication and love for the motherland in his association.

In 1925 she was married to Shri Vinayakrao Apte, an advocate of Pune. He was Sangh Chalak of Pune city and Pune District. Ma. Vinayakrao never hankered after money and spent much of his time in propagating the principles of R. S. S. When Param Pujaneeya Doctor Hedgewar and Shri Guruji Golwalkar visited Pune, they always stayed with them only. On such occasions Va. Taiji had an opportunity of observing their fives closely and was influenced by them. After her marriage Taiji joined the tuition classes to learn Hindi, Sanskrit and English. But she could not complete it as she was busy with household duties. R. S. S. Workers, Pracharakas and Adhikaries always used to come in her home as there,was no Sangha karyalaya; and staying in hotels was not the practice of those days. She was very prompt in her work and never grumbled about it. On the contrary she heartily received these unique guests. The homely atmosphere, motherly treatment and patriotic talk inspired them, when they were sick or homesick. Many Pracharakas still remember her tasty preparations.

The work of Rashtra Sevika Samiti, that we see in Maharashtra is her achievement and long standing efforts. With the help of Mananiya Indirabai Divekar of Karad, and Mananiya Kashitai Kulkarni of Solapur, she organised training camps of Sevikas, Shibirs and tours of the Districts in West Maharashtra.

In 1968, within one year, after the death of her husband she arranged All India Sammelan of Rashtra Sevika Samiti, which was held in Pune. This was the first function, when the Sevikas from all over India attended it. This proved to be her success in her work.

Taiji first started the organisation Rashtra Sevika Samiti in Pune. But when she came to know about Vandaneeya Mousiji Kelkar and her same type of work of organising Hindu women, she merged her organisation and her own identity also. She was a devoted, faithful follower of Vandaneeya Mousiji. Taiji was Pramukh Karyawahika of Rashtra Sevika Samiti.

She is well versed in Bhagwat Geeta and Dasbodh of Ramdas Swami. She believes more in service of mankind, than puja of idols. She is non assuming, affectionate and simple living. She is practical in taking decisions. Even in precarious conditions she is never ruffled and takes decisions in consultation with her colleagues. At the age of 78, a successful Great Grand Ma of her family, she is still cheerful, active, hard working and always ready to do service to the needy. All these qualities were tested in the disaster of Panshet floods of Pune. She was then alert for 24 hours helping and organising the relief work. When Samiti adopted Rautwadi village, she often visited it and was very prompt in helping the villagers in all respects.

Though old in worldly sense, she has evergreen personality, alert for the organisation work for twenty four hours, touring all over India, attending camps, meetings and different programmes, guiding the organisation in a family sense.

She inspires thousands of Sevikas by her talks and personal contacts. Her active life makes others, and also the organisation active.

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