We give below, section by section, either detailed references or, when these would be too cumbersome to list in full, guides to the sources. The bold numerals refer to the volumes of the Centenary Edition of Sri Aurobindo's works (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1972); they are followed by the page number. "A. & R." refers to the half-yearly series Archives and Research (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1977-94).
The reader wishing to know more about Sri Aurobindo's immense contribution to India is invited to study the following titles: Bande Mataram, The Karmayogin, The Secret of the Veda, Essays on the Gita, The Foundations of Indian Culture, On Himself, as well as Sri Aurobindo's talks with disciples: Evening Talks (noted by A. B. Purani) and Talks with Sri Aurobindo (four volumes noted by Nirodbaran).
For an introduction to Sri Aurobindo's life, thought and work, we recommend Satprem's Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness (Institut de Recherches �volutives, Paris, & Mira Aditi, Mysore, 1996).
Author - Sri Aurobindo