The Second And Later Layers Of Bricks
1. The Bricks Of The Second Layer
v. 3. 1.
Now this fire (ritual) is an extensive sacrifice; what part of it is performed or what not? The part of the sacrifice which is performed that is omitted becomes rotten; be puts down the A�vin (bricks); the A�vins are the physicians of the gods; verily by them be produces medicine for it. Five he puts down; the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he produces medicine for the whole extent of the sacrifice. He puts down the seasonal (bricks), to arrange the seasons [1]. Five he puts down; the seasons are five; verily he arranges the seasons in their whole number. They begin and end alike; therefore the seasons are alike; they differ in one foot; therefore the seasons differ likewise. He puts down the breath-supporters; verily he places the breaths in the months; therefore being alike the seasons do not grow old; moreover he generates them.
The breath is the wind; in that having put down the seasonal (bricks) he puts down the breath-sup porters [2], therefore the wind accompanies all the seasons. He puts down the rain-winners; verily he wins rain. If he were to put them down in one place, then would fall rain in one season only; he puts them down after carrying them round in order; therefore it rains in all the seasons. Since having put down the breath-supporters he puts down the rain-winners, therefore the rain starts from the sky, impelled downwards by the wind. The strengthening (bricks) are cattle; cattle have various purposes and various customs, but only as regards water are they of one purpose [3]; if he desire of a man, 'May he be without cattle', he should put down for him the strengthening (bricks) and then put down the water (bricks); verily he makes discord for him with cattle; verily he becomes without cattle. If he desire of a man, 'May he possess cattle', he should put down for him the water (bricks) and then put down the strengthening (bricks); verily he makes concord for him with cattle and he becomes possessed of cattle. He puts down four in front; therefore the eye has four forms, two white, two black [4].
The (verses) contain the word 'head'; therefore the head (of the fire) is in front. Five he puts down in the right hip, five in the left; therefore the animal is broader behind and receding in front; 'The goat in strength', (with these words he puts down) on the right shoulder; (with) 'The ram in strength', on the left; verily he puts together the shoulders (of the fire). 'The tiger in strength', (with these words) he puts down in the right wing, (with) 'The lion in strength' on the left; verily he gives strength to the wings. (With) 'The man in strength' (he puts down) in the middle; therefore man is overlord of animals.