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On the Highest Knowledge of Brahma

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Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Devi Gita > On the Highest Knowledge of Brahma

On the Highest Knowledge of Brahma

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S'ri Dev� said:--"O Him�lay�s! Thus making one's own self attached to the Yoga by the above-mentioned process and sitting on a Yoga posture, one should mediate on My Brahma Nature with an unfeigned devotion. (How the knowledge of that Formless Existence and Imperishable Brahmaki arises, now hear.) He is manifest, near, yea, even moving in the hearts of all beings. He is the well-known Highest Goal. Know that all this whatever, waking, dreaming, or sleeping, which moves, breathes or blinks, is founded on Him. He is higher than Being and Non-being: higher than the Wisdom, He is the Best Object of adoration for all creatures. He is brilliant, smaller than the smallest and in Him the worlds are founded and the Rulers thereof. He is the Imperishable Brahman. He is the Creator (Life), the Revealer of Sacred Knowledge (speech) and Omniscient (or the Cosmic Mind). This is the Truth. He is immortal, O Saumya! Know that He is the target to be hit.

Note.--The words "higher than wisdom" mean higher than Brahm�. (Brahm� is the highest of all J�vas, higher than Brahm� means higher than all creatures. The word Vij��na denotes Brahm� as we find in the following speech of Brahm� in the Bh�gavat Pur�na) "I, the Wisdom Energy (Vij��na-S'akti) was born from the navel of this Being resting on the Waters and possessed of the Infinite Powers."

Visnu is called "Prana," becauge he is the leader of all (Pr�na-netri). He is called V�k, because He is the Teacher of all; Visnu is called Manas because He is the adviser of all (Mantri). He is the Controller of all the J�vas.

The third verse lays down that Brahman is to be meditated upon or that the Manana should be performed; as the second verse teaches that Dhy�na or concentration also is necessary.

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