"Let us now turn to the practical side of Hinduism.
Hinduism is more, a way of life than form of thought.
While it gives absolute liberty in the world of thought
it enjoins a strict code of practice. The theist and the
atheist, the sceptic and the agnostic may all be Hindus
if they accept the Hindu system of culture and life.
Hinduism insists not on religious conformity but on a
spiritual and ethical outlook in life. The performer of
the good and not the believer in this or that view-can
never get into an evil state. In a very real sense
practice precedes theory. Only by doing the will does
one know the doctrine. Whatever our theological beliefs
and metaphysical opinions may be, we are all agreed that
we should be kind and honest, grateful to our benefactors
and sympathetic to the unfortunate. Hinduism insists on
a moral life and draws into fellowship all who feel
themselves bound to the claims which the moral law makes
upon them. Hinduism is not a sect but a fellowship of
all who accept the law of right and earnestly seek for
the truth".
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