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Kashmir : Distortions And Reality

Hindu Books > Social And Contemporary Issues > Kashmir Distortions And Reality


For the last nearly forty years, Kashmir Valley is under terror, shedding tears and facing trauma. A handful of separatists in the minisicule Valley under the command of Intelligence Agency of a neighbouring country, have been holding by neck the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir.

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About The Book

This book is at once a sharp departure from the prevailing practice of writing on Kashmir. It gives the inside account of what actually happened during the last four years and is not a partisan publication. Facts have been revealed in the larger national interest.

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The Author

Shri Dinanath Raina is a political analyst and author of Unhappy Kashmir. He was born and educated in Kashmir. After Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in October, 1947, he worked for the cause of peace, harmony and economic emancipation for the rural population in the Kashmir Valley.

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Territorial And Political Analysis

Maharaja Gulab Singh, one of the most remarkable, soldier-statesman that India had produced in the nineteenth century, was the founder of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as it existed in 1947 before the Pakistani invasion in October that year.

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Heritage And Legacy

Kashmir has everything precious to India's heritage. It has been a nursery of learning and religion, has a breath-taking landscape as if painted to perfection by the Master Painter. It is a place of pilgrimage for Hindus and also Buddhists.

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Crudities And Contradictions

Kashmir Valley, the hub of present terrorist turmoil, is the most prosperous region of the country, where per capita income is far too higher than in any part of the country and much more above the national average.

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Prelude To Proxy War

India has always endeavoured in the past 45 years to maintain friendly and amicable relations with Pakistan. It left no stone unturned to placate the unplacable Pakistan. India's aim has been to offer full co-operation to Pakistan in every field and see her prospering.

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