A Retrospect Christianity In India
Hindu - A Parliament of Religions |
India is an ancient nation, perhaps the most ancient. Withstanding all the shocks of cruel history, India has lived a long civilised life united by a common culture which, for many centuries has been characterised by remarkable continuity.
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Trauma of Partition |
Remember the partition of India in 1947. It brought untold suffering and unprecedented humiliation in its train. Men, women and children were given a profuse blood bath when we were gloating over our bloodless revolution.
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The Background |
In the beginning, the rulers of the East India Company did not show much enthusiasm for missionary activity. The Company recognised that the people of India were peculiarly sensitive in the matter of religion.
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Happy Gestures |
During the pre-independence period certain prominent Christians of India had stood against communal representation. Early in the twentieth century Joseph Baptista, a prominent Christian leader in Bombay said, "I thoroughly disapprove of separate electorate for Indian Christians in water-tight compartments".
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Jesus Christ and the Church |
I revere Christ. One of the reasons why I do so is that I am a Hindu. There is much to admire in Christianity - the life-story of Jesus Christ, sayings of the prophets, educative parables and the ideals presented therein. The precious teachings in the 'Sermon on the Mount' certainly leave a, deep impression upon the mind.
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Politics of Conversion |
Indeed in the whole of the Christian-Hindu strained relationship there has been no greater cause of friction than the Christian campaign of conversion. When the one who is in an advantageous position seeks to force his conception of God and the Universe on the other who is in a vulnerable position ....
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Christianity And National Unity |
One wonders why Christian proselytisation should lead to an excess of love-bond with a Western country. For some time it was even justified as an attempt to stem the tide of communism.
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Foreign Missionaries Please Go Home |
India is infested with a large number of these uninvited guests, the Michael Scotts and the Father Ferars. One need hardly emphasise public attitude towards them. They have come to India to save the heathens from damnation. We are to believe that they have come on a mission of mercy.
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Harijan Christians |
Representatives of four Christian Organisations called on the Prime Minister recently, stressing that the benefits available to Hindu Harijans be extended to the Christian Harijans also. Christianity was offered as a way out to the Hindu Harijans but once they are christianised, the old basis is re-borrowed.
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Christianity - A Vote Bank |
In order to accommodate diverse religious groups in a happy national life secularism was propounded. It suited the Indian temperament as well. It was a misfortune that the concept of secularism which is enshrined in the Constitution of India and which has become the most sacred slogan for all our political parties should be distorted ....
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Return of the Converts |
For long the Hindus had' developed a suicidal habit of declaring these converts, as Outcastes and the Hindu house had only exits and no entrance. They did not take back converts willing to return to the ancestral faith.
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Christianity and Secularism |
In order to promote a happy coexistence of diverse religions, secularism was propounded. The Christian Church will not hesitate to approve the secularist ideals. The gullible Hindu dances in delight at the response evoked by his theories of Secularism and Sarva Dharma Sama Bhav.
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The R.S.S. Way |
According to the late Golwalkar, Chief of R.S.S. and the present Chief Deoras, religion need not be a compelling factor in determining the nationhood of a people. Religious Unity was long considered to be a potent unifying force in Europe and all means were employed by many states to secure such unity among their inhabitants.
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Few Questions and Answers |
Q. 1 : You have 'taken it for granted that the Indian Christians are originally Hindus'. But the original people of India are Dravidians, the Hindus have come to India originally as Aryans. Is not Hinduism also a foreign religion to India and Hindus foreigners ?
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