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Pada III

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya III > Pada III

Third Pada: 1. What Is Understood From All The Vedanta-Texts Is One ....

The Sutras have stated whatever has to be stated to the end of rousing the desire of meditation-concluding with the fact that Brahman bestows rewards.

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2. If It Be Said That The Vidyas Are Not One On Account Of Difference...

If it be said that there is no oneness of vidya, because the fact of the same matter being stated again without difference, and being met with in ....

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3. For The Sirovrata Concerns The Mode Of The Study Of The Veda...

What the text says as to a restriction connected with the 'vow of the head,' does not intimate a difference of vidyâs.

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4. Scripture Also Declares This

Scripture also shows that (identical) meditation is what all the Vedânta-texts intimate. The Khândogya (VIII, 1, 1 ff.) declares that that which is ....

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5. (Meditation) Thus Being Equal, There Is Combination Of Gunas

The meditation in all Vedânta-texts thus being the same, the qualities mentioned in one text are to be combined with those mentioned ....

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6. If It Be Said That There Is Difference On Account Of The Text ....

So far it has been shown that the non-difference of injunction, and so on, establishes the unity of meditations, and that owing ....

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7. Or Not, On Account Of Difference Of Subject-Matter; As In The Case Of ....

There is no unity of the two vidyâs, since the subject-matter of the two differs. For the tale in the Khândogya-text, which begins 'when the Devas ....

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8. If That Be Declared On Account Of Name; We Object

If the oneness of the vidyâs be maintained on the ground that both have the same name, viz. udgîtha-vidyâ, ....

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9. And This Is Appropriate, On Account Of The Extension

Since the pranava, which is a part of the udgîtha, is introduced as the subject of meditation in the first prapâthaka of the Khândogya ....

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10. On Account Of Non-Difference Of Everything, Those Elsewhere

The Khandogya and the Vagasaneyaka alike record a meditation on Prana; the object of meditation being Prana as possessing the qualities ....

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11. Bliss And Other Qualities, As Belonging To The Subject Of The Qualities

The point to be decided here is whether, or not, the essential qualities of Brahman are to be included in all meditations on the highest Brahman.

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12. Such Qualities As Having Joy For Its Head, And So On, Are Not Established...

The declaration that the essential qualities of Brahman are established for all meditations, does not imply that such attributes as ....

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13. But The Others, On Account Of Equality With The Thing

Those other qualities which are 'equal to the thing,' i. e. which are attributes determining the essential character of the thing ....

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14. For Meditation, Owing To The Absence Of Purpose

As no other purpose can be assigned, the text must be supposed to represent Brahman as having joy for its head, and so on ....

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15. And On Account Of The Term 'Self.'

That this is so further follows from the fact that in the clause 'different from this is the inner Self consisting of bliss' the term 'Self is used.

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16. There Is Reference To The Self, As In Other Places...

In the clause,'different from that is the Self of bliss,' the term Self can refer to the highest Self only; 'as in other cases ....

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17. If It Be Said 'On Account Of Connexion'...

But as in the preceding sections the term Self is seen to be connected with what is not of the nature of the Self ....

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18. The New (Thing Is Enjoined); On Account Of The Statement Of What Has To Be Done

The Sûtra discusses an additional question connected with the meditation on breath. Both texts--the Khândogya as well as ....

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19. And (The Qualities) Thus Being Equal, On Account Of Non-Difference

In the book of the Vâgasaneyaka, called Agnirahasya, we meet with a meditation on Brahman called Sândilyavidyâ ....

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20. On Account Of Connexion, Thus Elsewhere Also

In the Brihad-âranyaka (V, 5) it is said that Brahman is to be meditated upon as abiding within the orb of the sun and within ....

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21. Or Not So, On Account Of Difference

This is not so, for as Brahman is to be meditated upon in two different abodes, the meditations are separate.

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22. The Text Also Declares This

That the qualities of that which abides within the sun and that which abides in the eye are not to be combined ....

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23. And For The Same Reason The Holding Together And The Pervading The Sky

In the Taittiriyaka and in the khilas of the Ranayaniyas we have the following passage :

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24. And Although They Both Be Meditations On Man...

In the Taittiriyaka as well as the Khândogya we meet with a meditation on man (purusha-vidyâ), in which parts of the sacrifice ....

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25. On Account Of The Difference Of Sense Of Piercing...

The text of the Âtharvanikas exhibits at the beginning of their Upanishad some mantras, 'Pierce the sukra, pierce the heart.'

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26. But In The Case Of The Getting Rid Of It Has To Be Combined With The Obtaining...

The Khandogas read in their text 'Shaking off all evil as a horse shakes his hair, and shaking off the body as the ....

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27. At Departing; There Being Nothing To Be Reached...

The further question arises whether the putting off of all good and evil deeds takes place only at the time when the soul leaves ....

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28. As It Is Desired; On Account Of There Being No Contradiction Of Either

The time when good and evil deeds are left behind thus having been determined on the basis of the reason ....

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29. There Is Meaning Of The Soul's Going Only On The Twofold Hypothesis ....

It is only on the hypothesis of a part of the good and evil works being left behind at the time of the soul's departure from the body ....

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30. That Assumption Is Justified; On Account Of The Perception Of Things Which Are Marks Of That ...

The assumption of all the works perishing at the time of 'departure' involves no contradiction; since we perceive, in the sacred texts ....

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31. Of Those Who Have A Certain Office There Is Subsistence (Of Their Works) As Long As The Office Lasts

We do not maintain that all those who have reached true knowledge divest themselves at the time of death of all ....

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32. There Is No Restriction Since All Have To Go On That Path

The question here is whether Brahman is to be reached on the path of the gods by those only who take their stand....

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33. But The Conceptions Of The Imperishable Are To Be Comprised In All Meditations

We read in the Brihad-âranyaka (III, 8, 9),'O Gârgî, the Brâhmanas call that the Akshara. It is neither coarse nor fine,' and so on.

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34. So Much; On Account Of Reflection

Only so much, i.e. only those qualities which have to be included in all meditations on Brahman ....

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35. Should It Be Said That The Former Reply Refers To That Self To Which ....

In the Brihad-aranyaka (III, 4; 5) the same question is asked twice in succession ('Tell me the Brahman which is visible ....

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36. There Is Interchange Of Ideas, For The Texts Distinguish; As In Other Cases

There is no difference of vidyâ because both questions and answers have one subject-matter, and because the ....

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37. For One And The Same Highest Divinity ... Is The Subject Of That Meditation

For the highest divinity, called there that which is-- which was introduced in the clause 'that divinity thought,' &c.

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38. Wishes And The Rest, Here And There...

We read in the Khândogya (VIII, I, 1), 'There is that city of Brahman, and in it the palace, the small lotus, and in it that small ether,' &c.

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39. On Account Of Emphasis There Is Non-Omission

Attributes, such as having the power of immediately realising one's purposes, and so on ....

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40. In The Case Of Him Who Has Approached Brahman...

When the soul, released from all bonds and manifesting itself in its true nature, has approached, i.e. attained to Brahman ....

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41. There Is Non-Restriction Of Determination, Because This Is Seen; For There Is A Separate Fruit ....

There are certain meditations connected with elements of sacrificial actions; as e.g. 'Let a man meditate on the syllable Om as udgîtha.'

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42. Just As In The Case Of The Offerings...

In the daharavidyâ (Kh. Up. VIII, 1 ff.) the text, 'those who depart having known here the Self, and those true desires,' declares at first a ....

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43. On Account Of The Plurality Of Indicatory Marks...

The Taittirîyaka contains another daharavidyâ, 'The thousand-headed god, the all-eyed one,' &c. (Mahânâr. Up. XI).

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44. There Is Option With Regard To What Precedes...

In the Vâgasaneyaka, in the Agnirahasya chapter, there are references to certain altars built of mind, 'built of mind, built of speech,' &c.

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45. And On Account Of The Transfer

That the altar built of thought is an optional substitute for the altar built of bricks, and of the nature of an action, appears therefrom also ....

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46. But It Is A Meditation Only, On Account Of Assertion And What Is Seen

The altars built of mind, and so on, are not of the nature of action, but of meditation only, i.e. they belong to a performance which is of ....

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47. And On Account Of The Greater Strength Of Direct Statement, And So On, There Is No Refutation

The weaker means of proof, constituted by so-called leading subject-matter, cannot refute what is established by three stronger ....

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48. On Account Of Connexions And The Rest, As In The Case Of The Separateness Of Other Cognitions

That the text enjoins a meditative performance different from the actual performance of which the brick-altar is a constituent element ....

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49. Not So, On Account Of This Being Observed On Account Of Similarity Also; As In The Case Of Death ....

From a transfer or assimilation of this kind it does not necessarily follow that things of different operation are equal, and that hence ....

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50. And By A Subsequent Brahmana Also The 'Being Of Such A Kind' Of The Word Is Proved...

The subsequent Brâhmana (Sat. Br. X, 5, 4) also proves that the text treating of the altars made of mind, and so on ....

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51. Some, On Account Of The Existence Of A Self Within A Body

In all meditations on the highest Self the nature of the meditating subject has to be ascertained no less than the nature ....

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52. But This Is Not So, But Rather Difference; Since It Is Of The Being Of That ....

It is not true that the meditating subject must be conceived as having the ordinary characteristics of knowing, acting, &c.

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53. But Those Meditations Which Are Connected With Members Of Sacrifices Are Not Restricted ....

There are certain meditations connected with certain constituent elements of sacrifices-as e.g. 'Let a man meditate on the syllable Om (as) ....

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54. Or There Is No Contradiction As In The Case Of Mantras And The Rest

The 'or' here has the sense of 'and.' The 'and the rest' comprises generic characteristics, qualities, number, similarity ....

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55. There Is Pre-Eminence Of Plenitude, As In The Case Of The Sacrifice; For Thus Scripture Shows

The sacred text (Kh. Up. V, 12 ff.) enjoins a meditation on Vaisvânara, the object of which is the highest Self, as having for its body the entire threefold world ....

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56. The Meditations Are Separate, On Account Of The Difference Of Words, And So On

The instances coming under this head of discussion are all those meditations on Brahman which have for their only result final Release ....

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57. Option, On Account Of The Non-Difference Of Result

It has been proved that the meditation on that which truly is, the meditation on the small ether within the heart, and so on ....

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58. But Meditations Aiming At Objects Of Desire May ...

The last clause means--on account of their results not being of an infinite nature.

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59. They Belong To The Constituent Members, As The Bases

A doubt arises whether meditations such as the one enjoined in the text, 'Let him meditate on the syllable Om as the Udgîtha ....

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60. And On Account Of Injunction

The above conclusion is further confirmed by the fact of injunction, i.e. thereby that clauses such as 'he is to meditate on the Udgîtha' ....

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61. On Account Of Rectification

The text 'from the seat of the Hotri he sets right the wrong Udgîha' shows that the meditation is necessarily required ....

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62. And On Account Of The Declaration Of A Quality Being Common To All The Vedas

The text 'By means of that syllable the threefold knowledge proceeds. With Om the Adhvaryu gives orders, with Om the Hotri recites ....

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63. Rather Not, As The Text Does Not Declare Their Going Together

It is not true that the meditations on the Udgîtha and the rest are bound to the sacrifices in the same way as the Udgîtha, and so on ....

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64. And Because (Scripture) Shows It

A scriptural text, moreover, shows that the meditation is necessary for, and restricted to, the sacrificial performance.

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1879 reads)

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