Pada III
Third Pada : 1. Not Ether... |
We have demonstrated that the Sankhya-system and other systems standing outside the Veda are untenable since they rest on fallacious reasoning ....
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2. But There Is |
But there is origination of Ether. For Scripture, which is concerned with matters transcending sense perception, is able to establish the truth even ....
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3. It Has A Secondary Sense... |
It is reasonable to assume that in passages such as 'From that Self there sprang Ether.' the origination of Ether is not to be taken in its literal sense ....
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4. There May Be A Double Sense |
Since in the clause 'from that Self there sprang Brahman,' the word 'sprang' cannot be taken in its literal senbe, it may be used there in a secondary sense ....
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10. Fire Is Produced Thence |
It has been stated that everything different from Brahman is the effect of Brahman. The doubt now arises whether the more remote effects ....
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11. Water From Fire |
Water also originates 'thence,' i. e from fire; for so the texts declare 'From fire water' (Taitt. Up. II, 1, 1); 'that sent forth water' (Kh. Up. VI, 2, 3).
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12. Earth From Water |
Earth originates from water; for so the texts declare 'From water earth' (Taitt Up. II. 1, 1). 'It (water) sent forth food' (Kh. Up. VI, 2, 3).
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18. Not The Self... |
The Sutras so far have stated that this entire world, from Ether downwards, originates from the highest Brahman. It now becomes a matter for discussion ....
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33. The Soul Is An Agent... |
It has been shown that the individual Self is a knowing subject and atomic. Now the question arises whether that Self is an agent or, being itself non-active ....
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43. And On Account Of The Mantra |
'One part (quarter) of it are all beings, three feet (quarters) of it are the Immortal in heaven' (Kh. Up. III, 12, 6)--on account of this mantra also ....
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45. But As In The Case Of Light... |
The 'but' discards the objection. 'Like light and so on.' The individual soul is a part of the highest Self; as the light issuing from a luminous thing such ....
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46. And Smriti Texts Declare This |
That the world and Brahman stand to each other in the relation of part and whole, the former being like the light and the latter like the luminous body ....
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