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Hindu Books > Philosophy And Commentaries > Samskara


Samskara, a Sanskrit word describes several concepts. These concepts are all related but convey different essence when used in different context. The brief introduction of all hindu samskaras.

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To understand our culture, (samskara, Dharma etc.) it is important to understand the concept of parampara. What can we learn from parampara? Parampara is one reason why people in India like to remember a series of past generations of an individual.

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The whole gist of life centers around karma. The virtual currency unit in the virtual bank of Samskara is karma. We have to develop the under standing of karma, nishkam karma, karma sanyas, and why one performs one or the other karma.

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We have covered samskara, and how karma affects the samskara and how samskara influences karma. Through all this lies the thread of Dharma. Dharma is the thread which goes through the karma, samskara to give it the shape of the mala or a garland.

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Sakam Karma

In the earlier part of the book we explored among other things thesubject of Nishkam karma. Here we will try to take up the sakam karma that we did not bring up earlier. Sakam karma simply means that you do a karma with the result in mind.

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Astrology is perhaps the most ancient subject and also in a way the most ignored. It is the most ancient because astrology has been in existence as far back as we have been able to investigate the history of mankind.

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Mantra is another technique to affect the results of yourkarma and they are in themselves not good or bad.Remember that a mantra is a secret technique to achieve more power. A mantra is not in itself spiritual. Some mantras can indeedlead you to be spiritual.

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Hindus did a lot of experimen- tation. Mandir was the laboratory at one time where people could go in and experiment with meditation, with mantra chanting and so on. Different mandirs were sites of different experiments and experiences.

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Murti Puja

Murti pooja is one example here our knowledge base has eroded, and that led to attacks on the whole concept from inside and outside. We have the key, we have the technology but we do not have the locks or we do not know how to use the key.

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All the concepts of Samskara is based on the fact that we have a life with the physical body and the impressions and experiences that we have go with us in a seed form when we die. This is what we call our samskara.

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Every culture consecrates the milestones of life with ritual and festivity. In India these rites of passage, called Samskaras, are celebrated in the home and in the temple, marking our spiritual journey on the earth.

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Namkaran Samskar

When a child is born there is need of an identity and that is the reason a name is given to him. It is the beginning of a journey, a journey of life. As everyone is aware of anidentity is helpful. A name is useful.

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Graduation Samskar

Graduations are important landmarks in one�s life. You acquire knowledge and know- ledge is power.Your future depends upon how you apply this knowledge and not only does your future depends upon this applied knowledge.

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Vivaah Samskar

Whether or not you believe in marriages being made in heaven.Hindu culture celebrates marriage as a Samskara - sacrament, a right of passage when two individuals start their journey into the Grihasth ashram - the life of a householder.

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Antyesti Samskar

Most people are afraid of death. Hindus tried to under stand the mystery of death and have done a lot of work towards this end. After all this is the end of the journey of life. But another journey is about to start.

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Published on: 2003-02-07 (7750 reads)

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