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Section I - The Tip Of An Iceberg

Hindu Books > Temples And Legends of India > Hindu Temples : What Happened To Them > Volume 2 > Section I : The Tip Of An Iceberg

1. The Dispute at Sidhpur

The Fourth Annual Report of the Minorities’ Commission submitted to the President of India through the Ministry of Home Affairs on April 19, 1983, carries an account of a dispute over the Jămi‘ Masjid at Sidhpur in the Mehsana District of Gujarat.

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2. The Story of Rudramahălaya

In order to understand fully the meaning of what was exposed at Sidhpur and the strife it caused, we have to know what the Rudramahălaya was, how it came to be built at Sidhpur and how a Jămi‘ Masjid was raised on its site and from its debris.

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3. Muslim Response to Hindu Protection

The protection provided by Siddharăja JayasiMha to Muslims and their places of worship was continued by his successors in Gujarat. The population of Muslims as well as their places of worship continued to multiply in several cities of Gujarat ....

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Published on: 2003-08-09 (2349 reads)

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