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The Good Life

Hindu Books > Dharma And Philosophy > The Good Life

Kulapati's Preface

Publisher's preface of the book " The Good Life"

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Author - C. Y. Jesse Chiang

Introduction to the Author of the book.

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Prologue of the book "The Good life".

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Prologue To Part III

The following essay on "Mysticism, Nature, and Morality" was written several years ago. The author is, at present, unable to recall the exact year of the production, but he does remember that it was written shortly after he heard a stirring lecture on mysticism from a visiting professor at the University of Washington.

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Introduction to the contents of the book " The Good life".

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The Mystery Of Time

Time waits for no one. A child has hardly any sense of time, but a youngster can hardly wait to grow up; an adult feels is on his side whereas an old man decries the unkindness of time.

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Three Basic Aims And One Ultimate Goal Of Education

Education has always been an important facet of every life, but never before in the history of the human race has education taken such a significant role as it has today.

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The Most Important Examination

"The unexamined life is not worth living" ...Socrates. So the most important examination is called self-examination.

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The True Meaning Of Work

Work is life; idleness is death. With a few exceptions, nearly everyone has to work in order to make a living.

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The Individualism of Stoicism

A true stolic is not an indifferent person, but a compassionate human being.

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The Categorization And Anatomy Of Self - Discipline

A good life is impossible without self - discipline. The categorization of Self - Discipline as follows....

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The Life Of A Teacher

A teacher is someone who never stops learning. Teaching is a profession as old as mankind.

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The Heroic House Wife

Without housewife, there will be neither home nor human race. In the modern world, every one knows the price of almost every thing but the few the value of anything.

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The Good Husband

The good husband is thankful man. The word husband has several meanings.

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Little Things Mean A Lot

Little keys open big doors. In the modern world where wars, crime, sex, drug addiction and other sensational occupy all headlines in news papers or magazines.

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Existence And Living

All creatures exist, but only human beings live.From a conventional point of view, there is very little difference between existence and living.

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Fun Versus Joy

Few words are as often used and abused as the word "fun",There is entertainment any day, every day, even every hour.The pursuit of fun has become the goal of life.

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Intelligence And Wisdom

An intelligent person may be proud of his intelligence, but a wise man is wise enough to be humble. This essay attempts to answer four questions in regard to intelligence and wisdom.

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Loneliness And Solitude

To be lonely without being alone is bitter loneliness. To be alone without being lonely is sweet solitude. Loneliness is one of the most unnoticeable....

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Mysticism Nature And Morality

What is mysticism ? Some believe there is such a thing while others do not. Modern Positivists and naturalists have denied this by their utter indifference.

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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2003-02-07 (8551 reads)

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