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Pada I

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya IV > Pada I

First Pada : 1. Repetition...

The third adhyâya was concerned with the consideration of meditation, together with its means.

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2. And On Account Of An Inferential Mark

Inferential mark here means Smriti. Smriti also declares that that knowledge which effects Release ....

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3. But As The Self...

The following point is now taken into consideration. Is Brahman to be meditated upon as something different from the meditating Devotee ....

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4. Not In The Symbol...

'Let a man meditate on mind as Brahman ' (Kh. Up. III, 18, 1); 'He who meditates on name as Brahman' (Kh. Up. VII, l5)--with regard to these ....

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5. The View Of Brahman, On Account Of Superiority

The view of Brahman may appropriately be superimposed on mind and the like; but not the view of mind, and so on, on Brahman.

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6. And The Ideas Of Âditya And The Rest On The Member

'He who shines up there let a man meditate on him as the Udgîtha' (Kh. Up. I, 3, 1).--With regard to this and similar meditations ....

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7. Sitting; On Account Of Possibility

It has been shown that that special form of cognitional activity which the Vedânta-texts set forth as the means of accomplishing final ....

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8. And On Account Of Meditation

Since, as intimated by the text,'the Self is to be meditated upon,' the mental activity in question is of the nature of meditation ....

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9. And With Reference To Immobility

And it is with reference to their immobility that the earth and other inanimate things--the air, the sky, the waters ....

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10. And Smriti Texts Say The Same

Smriti texts also declare that he only who sits can meditate, 'Having placed his steady seat upon a pure spot ....

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11. Where Concentration Of Mind Is Possible...

As the texts do not say anything as to special places and times, the only requisite of such places and times ....

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12. Up To Death; For There Also It Is Seen

The question now arises whether the meditation described which is the means of final Release is to be accomplished within one day, or to be continued day after day, until death.

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13. On The Attainment Of This, There Result The Non-Clinging And The Destruction ....

Having, so far, elucidated the nature of meditation, the Sûtras now begin to consider the result of meditation.

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14. Of The Other Also There Is Thus Non-Clinging; But At Death

It has been said that, owing to knowledge, earlier and subsequent sins do not cling and are destroyed.

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15. But Only Those Former Works The Effects Of Which Have Not Yet Begun...

A new doubt arises here, viz. whether all previous good and evil works are destroyed by the origination of knowledge, or only those the ....

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16. But The Agnihotra And The Rest...

It might here be said that special works incumbent on the several âsramas, as e. g. the Agnihotra, need not be undertaken by those ....

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17. According To Some A Class Of Good Works Other Than These, Of Both Kinds

The text quoted above from one sâkhâ ('His friends enter upon his good deeds') refers to good works other than the Agnihotra and the rest ....

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18. 'Whatever He Does With Knowledge.'

The declaration made in the text 'whatever he does with knowledge that is more vigorous,' viz. that the knowledge of the Udgîtha has ....

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19. But Having Destroyed By Fruition The Other Two Sets He Becomes One With Brahman

There now arises the doubt whether the good and evil works other than those the non-clinging and destruction of which have been ....

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1722 reads)

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