Kanda VII
Prapathaka 1. The Ekaha And Ahina Sacrifices |
Production of offspring is light. Agni is the light of the gods; the Viraj is the light of the metres. The Viraj of speech ends in Agni; it is produced according to the Viraj. Therefore it is called light.
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Prapathaka 2. The Ahina Sacrifices (Continued) |
The Sadhya gods, desirous of heaven, saw this (rite) of six nights. They grasped it, and sacrificed with it. Then indeed did they go to the world of heaven. Those, who knowing thus perform (the rite) of six nights, go to the world of heaven.
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Prapathaka 3. The Sattras. |
They go swiftly in that it is the tenth day. In that it is the tenth day they loosen their sins. He who among men going swiftly falls in with a trackless way, he who strikes a post, and he who stumbles, are left out.
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Prapathaka 4. The Sattras (Continued) |
Brhaspati desired, 'May the gods have faith in me, and may I become their Purohita.' He saw this (rite) of twenty-four nights; he grasped it, and sacrificed with it. Then the gods had faith in him, and he became their Purohita.
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Prapathaka 5. The Gavam Ayana |
The cows performed that Sattra, being hornless, with the desire, 'May horns be born to us.' For ten months they performed it, and then horns were born, and they ceased (the rite), (saying), 'We have obtained (our desire).'
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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved. Published on: 2003-06-26 (2370 reads) [ Go Back ] |