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Pada I

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya III > Pada I

First Pada : 1. In Obtaining Another Of That, It Goes Enveloped, As Appears From Question And Explanation

That the Vedanta-texts establish as the proper object of meditation, on the part of all men desirous of Release, the highest Brahman, which is the only cause ....

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2. But On Account Of Water Consisting Of The Three Elements; On Account Of Predominance

Water alone could not produce a new body; for the text Kh. Up. VI, 3, 4, 'Each of these he made tripartite,' shows that all the elements were' made tripartite ....

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3. And On Account Of The Going Of The Pranas

That the soul goes embedded in the subtle rudiments of the elements follows therefrom also that when passing out of the old body it is said to be followed ....

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4. If It Be Said That It Is Not So On Account Of Scriptural Statement As To Going To Agni...

But the text, 'when the speech of the dead person enters into fire,' &c. (Bri. Up. III, 2, 13). declares that when a person dies his organs go into fire, and so on ....

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5. Should It Be Said, On Account Of Absence Of Mention In The First Reply...

An objection is raised to the conclusion arrived at under III, 1, 1; on the ground that in the first oblation, described in Kh. Up. V, 4, 2, as being made into the heavenly world ....

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6. 'On Account Of This Not Being Stated By Scripture'; Not So...

But, a further objection is raised, in the whole section under discussion no mention at all is made of the soul; the section cannot therefore prove that ....

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7. Or It Is Metaphorical, On Account Of Their Not Knowing The Self

He who performs sacrifices, and so on, and thus does not know the Self, is here below and in yonder world a mere means of enjoyment for the devas.

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8. On The Passing Away Of The Works, With A Remainder...

The text declares that those who only perform sacrifices and useful works ascend by the road of the fathers, and again return to the earth when ....

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9. 'On Account Of Conduct'; Not So, Since Karana Connotes Works

In the phrases 'those whose works were good' (ramaniya-karanah), and 'those whose works were bad' (kapuya-karanah), the word karana does not denote good ....

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10. 'There Is Purposelessness'; Not So, On Account Of The Dependence On That

But if conduct has no result, it follows that good conduct, as enjoined in the Smritis, is useless!--Not so, we reply; for holy works ....

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11. But Only Good And Evil Works, Thus Badari Thinks

As the verb a-kar takes karman for its object (punyam karma karati, &c.), and as the separate denotation (i.e. the use of apparently equivalent words ....

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12. Of Those Also Who Do Not Perform Sacrifices...

It has been said that those who perform only sacrifices, and so on, go to the moon and thence return with a remainder of their works.

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13. But Of The Others Having Enjoyed In Samyamana, There Is Ascent And Descent...

Of the others, i.e. those who do not perform sacrifices, and so on, there is ascent to the moon and descent from there, only after they have in the ....

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14. Smriti Texts Also Declare This

That all beings are under the sway of Yama, Parasara also and other Smriti writers declare ....

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15. Moreover There Are Seven

The Smritis moreover declare that there are seven hells, called Raurava, and so on, to which evil-doers have to go.

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16. On Account Of His Activity There Also, There Is No Contradiction

As their going to those seven places also is due to the command of Yama, there is no contradiction.--Thus those also who do not perform sacrifices ....

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17. But, Of Knowledge And Work--As These Are The Leading Topics

The 'but' sets aside the view developed so far. It cannot be admitted that those also who do not perform sacrifices, and so on, reach the moon; because ....

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18. Not In The Case Of The Third Place, As It Is Thus Perceived

The third 'place' does not, for the origination of a new body, depend on the fifth oblation. The term,'the third place,' denotes mere evil-doers.

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19. It Moreover Is Recorded, In The World

Smriti, moreover, states that the bodies of some specially meritorious persons, such as Draupadî, Dhrishtadyumna and others ....

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20. And On Account Of Its Being Seen

And it is seen in Scripture also, that the bodies of some beings originate independently of the fifth oblation :

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21. The Third Term Includes That Which Springs From Heat

Creatures sprung from heat are included in the third term--viz. that which springs from a germ--which is exhibited in the text quoted.

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22. There Is Entering Into Similarity Of Being With Those, There Being A Reason

The text describes the manner in which those who perform sacrifices, and so on, descend from the moon as follows :

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23. Not Very Long; On Account Of Special Statement

Does the soul in its descent through ether, and so on, stay at each stage for a not very long time, or is there nothing to define that time?

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24. Into Plants Animated By Other Souls

The text declares that (he descending souls are born as rice, corn, &c., 'they are born here as rice, corn, herbs, trees,' &c.

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25. It Is Unholy. Not So, On The Ground Of Scripture

The conclusion arrived at above cannot be accepted, since there is a reason why the descending soul should enter on the condition of an enjoying soul.

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26. After That Conjunction With Him Who Performs The Act Of Generation

The declaration that the descending souls become rice plants, and so on, cannot be taken literally for that reason also, that the text afterwards ....

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27. From The Yoni The Body

Only after having reached a yoni the soul, affected with a remnant of its works, obtains a new body, and only in a body there can be the enjoyment ....

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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2003-07-05 (1959 reads)

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