12. For this reason B�dar�yana (holds him to be) of both kinds; as in the case of the twelve days' sacrifice.
'For this reason,' i.e. for the reason that the text refers to the wish of the Released, the Reverend B�dar�yana is of opinion that the Released may, at his liking, be with or without a body. This satisfies both kinds of texts. The case is analogous to that of the twelve days' sacrifice which, on the basis of twofold texts--'Those desirous of prosperity are to celebrate the dv�das�ha,' and 'The priest is to offer the dv�das�ha for him who desires offspring'--belongs, according to difference of wish, either to the sattra or the ah�na class of sacrifices.--The next S�tra declares that the body and the sense-organs of the Released are not necessarily created by the Released himself.