Bhaja Govindam
Preface |
Publisher's Preface regarding this Book "Bhagavad Gita".
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Author |
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari popularly known as "Rajaji" or "C.R", as a great patriot astute politician and incisive thinker.
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Bhaja Govindam |
Sri Sankara crossed the ocean of Maya as easily as one steps over a small irrigation channel in the field.
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Verse - 1 |
Our People have heard the "Bhaja Govindam" song and they know it. It is not new to them.
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Verse - 2 |
After first warning against the desire for mere scholarship forgetful of God, and for the renown that it brings, Sri Sankara next speaks about the desire to amass wealth.
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Verse - 4 |
After uttering a warning in the first three stanzas against the arrogance of knowledge, the lure of wealth and of sex.
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Verse - 5 |
"Why do you detract from the joys of life by such statements?" asks the fool in his simplicity.
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Verse - 6 |
"What you say about kinsmen may be true; but take my wife who is with me here."
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Verse - 7 |
Childhood passes away in play. Thoughts of love engage youth and the mind goes after maidens.
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Verse - 8 |
Who is your beloved? Who is your son? Very strange is this family bond.
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Verse - 9 |
Association with good and enlightened men provides occasion for the practice of withdrawal from desire and attachment.
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Verse - 10 |
The sorrows of life will cease of their own accord upon the dawn of the knowledge of the self.
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Verse - 11 |
Do not be proud of your youth and health. Do not be vai and say ....
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Verse - 12 |
Let wordly life be an appearance or a reality. Sri Sankara does not object to our enjoying life.
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Verse - 13 |
Is there none to advise you? Even imminent, why do you turn your thoughts to your wife and to your possessions?
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Verse - 14 |
The ascetic with the matted locks, the man with shaven head, he who has pulled out his hair.
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Verse - 16 |
Sitting before the fire or with the sun at the back, sleeping at night with knee tucked under the chin.
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Verse - 17 |
All religions and creeds stress the need for true knowledge and wisdom.
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Verse - 18 |
Happiness is the internal state of the mind. It does not reside in an external object or in the physical body.
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Verse - 19 |
Pleasure is a state of the mind. The satisfaction springing from sense - enjoyment is pleasure of one kind.
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Verse - 20 |
A little study of the Bhagavad Gita, drinking a drop of Ganga water.
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Verse - 21 |
Let us beg for His grace: he will surely protect us. he will surely take us across the ocean of births and deaths.
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Verse - 22 |
Sri Sankara sings of god-intoxication and the bliss of the men that have received the light.
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Verse - 23 |
We sleep in the night and dream. In the dream we experience many hardships and cares.
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Verse - 24 |
With whom do you get angry? Why do you grieve in vain imagining enmity in your heart?
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Verse - 25 |
Don't think in terms of friend or foe; or brother or cousin. Don't waste your energy in enmity or friendship.
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Verse - 26 |
Free yourself from lust, anger, greed and delusion. mediate on who you are. Ask of yourself.....
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Verse - 27 |
Without true knowledge, life in this world so much mixed with sorrow will become a hell.
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Verse - 28 |
Of all the delusions that hold sway over man, that which makes for his greatest undoing is the sex craving.
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Verse - 29 |
After briefly referring to ruining oneself by going in quest of sexual enjoyment, Sri Sankara speaks about the craving to acquire wealth.
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Verse - 30 |
Regulated breathing and sense control, discrimination of values between the eternal and the transient, japa and meditation sinking the conscious into the unconscious.
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Verse - 31 |
This is the last verse of the Bhaja Govindam hymn of Sri Sankara. Our body and heart are the temple of God.
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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved. Published on: 2003-02-20 (7637 reads) [ Go Back ] |