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Part Two - The Nation And Its Problems

Hindu Books > Organizations > Bunch Of Thoughts > Table Of Contents > Part Two - The Nation And Its Problems

Bunch Of Thoughts

By M.S. Golwalkar

Table Of Contents

Part Two - The Nation And Its Problems

Bunch Of Thoughts By M.S. Golwalkar
IX. Our Motherland

This is our sacred land, Bharat, a land whose glories are sung by the gods. The men born in the land of Bharat, the gateway to heavens and salvation, are more blessed than the gods themselves-so sing the gods.

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1. The Grand Vision

A land eulogised by our philosopher-poet Rabindranath Tagore as : The enchanting Goddess of the world... ... ... ... .. Her feet washed by the blue waters of the oceans.

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2. Wanted, Heroic Devotion

There are some very eminent luminaries in our country, who declare with an air of omniscience, "What is this so-called motherland, except stones and clay!" Such persons feel that intellect is everything. According to their intellectual reasoning, a country is after all a stretch of inanimate, inert territory.

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X. Children Of The Motherland

Since times immemorial, a great and cultured people called by the name ‘Hindu’ have been living here as the children of this sacred motherland .

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XI. For A National Life

Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, founder of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, was from his early boyhood intensely devoted to the cause of nation and was in the thick of the various movements going on at that time for the liberation of our motherland.

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XII. Territorial Nationalism

Much thought was devoted to the subject before the name 'Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh' was decided upon for the organisation. A number of persons close to the Sangh were also consulted.

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1. Its Roots

Naturally, many suggestions were put forth, and objections raised against each name. Even the present name was confronted with the objection that if the word 'Rashtriya' was adopted then its doors would have to be kept open to all other people in the country, i.e., Muslims, Christians, etc.

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2. Its Fruits

In main, two types of movements rose up against the British rule in our country. One was the armed revolution resorted to by the revolutionaries and the other, passive resistance led by the Indian National Congress.

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XIII. Call For Courage Of Conviction

We are witnessing a strange phenomenon in our country today. The real and positive concept of Hindu Nationalism is being dubbed as communal, reactionary, narrow-minded and so on and the unscientific, reactionary and harmful theory of territorial nationalism, upheld by our present-day leaders, is paraded as 'secular', 'progressive' and 'broad-minded'.

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XIV. Uniqueness Of Hindu Rashtra

The answer to the so-called problem of 'religious minorities' can be found only in the historically correct, rational and positive approach of Hindu Rashtra.

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1. Hindu Rashtra And Minorities

The so-called minorities are bound to become more and more hardened in their separate shells of religion and turn into a dreadful source of disruption of our body-politic. So, all that is expected of our Muslim and Christan co-citizens is the shedding of the notions of their being 'religious minorities' as also their foreign mental complexion and merging themselves in the common national stream of this soil.

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2. Hindu Rashtra And Secularism

"Secularism" is not " Nationalism" - Hindu view with positive content. A dubious argument that is repeated ad nauseam is that the concept of Hindu Rashtra is against 'secularism'.

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XV. Affirm Basic Truths

The national life of Bharat is an ancient one. The social life here has been woven round a cultural tradition imbued with common life-ideals stemming out of a common comprehensive life-philosophy.

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XVI. Internal Threats

It has been the tragic lesson of the history of many a country in the world that the hostile elements within the country pose a far greater menace to national security than aggressors from outside. Unfortunately, this first lesson of national security has been the one thing, which has been consistently ignored in our country ever since the British left this land.

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1. The Muslims

Wishful thinking born out of lack of courage to face realities, mouthing of high-sounding slogans by the persons at the helm of affairs to cover up the tragedies overtaking us one after another, and opportunistic alliances of parties and groups with the hostile elements to further their narrow self-interests.

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2. The Christians

So far as the Christians are concerned, to a superficial observer they appear not only quite harmless but as the very embodiment of compassion and love for humanity! Their speeches abound in words like 'service' and 'human salvation' as though they are specially deputed by the Almighty to uplift humanity!

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3. The Communists

After the British quit this land and we became free to shape our future national set-up, the discussion of various theories and 'isms' has become a live issue for us.

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Published on: 2003-03-12 (1727 reads)

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